LFR had a lockout, and if you were unlucky, you wouldn’t get a single item. Remember, there was no personal loot in Cata (it was introduced in Mop). The new Heroic ++ dungeons will allow casual players to gear up quicker so they can step into Dragon Soul in no time.
I see this as an absolute win!
i like the catch up mechanic but i don’t know if it all being in these dungeons will stand the test of time, a lot of people don’t seem to like the dungeons all that much
people will gear much faster now , not sure if that’s a good thing because we got ds for 6 months. Although it seems the majority of wow players especially casuals enjoy free gear with little effort so what do i know
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Raises hand
Thats me, I hate running dungeons over and over, but will help guildies get a run or 2 worth of gear. Whatever I get from that is what I get. No way I would farm it.
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It’s alright, but the people who weren’t raiding before still aren’t going to now, and Dragon Soul is going to be on life support out the gate as it is
My guess is they expect DS to be overwhelmingly unpopular, so they dont mind being generous elsewhere, its possible the planned lfr would have been similar.
Go give on of those 5 mans a try. Im telling you now that slime bit on the bosses is going to be a pug destroyer.
I don’t think even the Classic devs are that foolish
Edit: my mistake I misread, I thought you said they think it will be popular lmao
why? It’s better than firelands. The only good fight in firelands is rag. The rest are forgettable. It’s also a very bland raid instance.
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Yes, but that is expected. People will only run the TI dungeons for the first 3-4 weeks. After that, raiders will no longer need the gear or Valor and will stop running them. Then, you will really see the less skilled players running them and struggling.
Its LFR gear so people will still be chasing Normal and Heroic gear. LFR gear is only going make prog a little easier.
Part of the reason im here is despising m+ and the vault chores.
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Welcome M+ to CATA just with out the timer more or less
The main and possible only problem here is whether these M+ dungeons alongside LFR drops will be implemented on 2/18 or after 2/20.
Even LFR level tier 13s are way stronger than HM tier 12s. If they allow LFR gear acquisition before 2/20, then all tryhard guilds will force everyone grind tokens from M+.
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yes cuz everyone loves havig to do 100 5 mans ton get all their stuff dumb and lazy easy way out change glad im prob gonna siy DS out and enjoy SoD where they dont say they wioll add something then say oh we casnt get it to work so were just not adding it cuz were to lazy and stupid to make it work right
Lol trying to say that H+ dungeons are like M+ dungeons is not even close to a true statement.
There are no Hard Mode fights; the only raid that had Hard Mode fights was Ulduar. Do you mean Heroic?
Lol there are not any Mythic +dungeons in Cata.
Like Blizzard, you don’t know what a casual player is.
I don’t understand why people complain about this. With the new H++ dungeons, you can farm the new gear at your own pace. You’ll be doing DS on normal in no time anytime. The raid is really easy.
Lol they are mad because they want something to complain about. The LFR gear being obtainable in TI dungeons and from the TI vendor is actually better for the casual player. They dont have to fight the RNG of LFR they have a 100% chance to get the gear they want by it dropping or buying the item off the vendor.
Don’t tell them that; they will claim they lack time or cannot commit to scheduled raid times for a guild. They will provide a plethora of excuses, which can be addressed by joining their server’s Discord and Stax, or by looking at LFG for pugs.
Your assertion that Blizzard doesn’t understand what a casual player is seems misguided. Throughout our discussions, you have frequently mentioned that casual players don’t have enough time to engage extensively with the game. This perspective suggests a limited understanding of the diverse ways in which casual players interact with WoW.
Casual players vary significantly in their playstyles and commitments. Some might only log in occasionally, while others play regularly but for shorter durations. The defining characteristic of casual players is their flexible approach to the game, not necessarily the amount of time they spend.
As someone who has been engaged in the WoW community since its Vanilla launch, I have seen firsthand the range of players who fall under the ‘casual’ category. It’s crucial to recognize and respect the diversity within the casual player base rather than making broad generalizations."
The decision to allow LFR gear to drop from the last boss in new Twilight Inferno dungeons, as well as making it obtainable from a vendor for a currency earned by running these dungeons, has several benefits for casual players, and here’s why this change is positive, especially since Blizzard is not adding LFR to Cataclysm Classic:
- Increased Accessibility: Casual players often have limited playtime and may find it challenging to commit to the time constraints and coordination required for LFR(Knowone wants to go spend hours wiping in LFR because of trolls). Allowing gear to drop from the last boss in dungeons and making it available from a vendor provides them with multiple avenues to obtain the gear without being locked into a specific activity.
- Elimination of RNG Frustration: LFR loot distribution in the past has been criticized for its reliance on RNG. Casual players might have to run LFR multiple times without receiving the desired gear. By introducing gear drops in dungeons and vendor availability, players have a more predictable and reliable way to gear up, reducing frustration.
- Flexible Playtime: Casual players can run dungeons at their own pace, fitting their playtime around personal schedules. This flexibility is especially important for those who cannot adhere to strict raid schedules or who may have sporadic play sessions.
- Progression Opportunities: LFR gear through these dungeons ensures that casual players can still progress their characters and be better equipped for more challenging content. This helps maintain a sense of achievement and progression, which is crucial for long-term engagement.
- Economic Considerations: Running dungeons and earning currency for gear can also be beneficial for the in-game economy. Players may engage in more activities such as farming and participating in the economy.
- Community Interaction: Dungeons encourage small group play and social interactions. Casual players can team up with friends or guild members for a more enjoyable and cooperative experience, fostering a sense of community.
Overall, this change by Blizzard is a thoughtful approach to accommodating casual players’ needs and playstyles in Cataclysm Classic. By offering multiple paths to obtain gear, the game becomes more inclusive and enjoyable for a wider range of players.
Can the forum rules just be updated to ban chatgpt?