LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

Knock knock.

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Whoā€™s there?

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Classic dev.

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classic dev who?

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Classic devinitely deserves better devs.


Yeah, Iā€™m out. I resubbed to play Anni servers, but theyā€™ve mismanaged that, so I came to play some cats and MOP, because I never played those expansions. I donā€™t have a schedule that allows for scheduled organized raiding so I was counting on lfr.

I hated M+ in retail, so this change isnā€™t good for me. Iā€™ve never been invested in WoW except for WoTLK and Legion, so nothing really lost here. I just wanted to add my voice to everyone elseā€™s that this failure cost a subscription


There are Discords and PUG groups so you not need a scheduled or organized raid group You can in PUG raids as normal raiding is easy and highly accessible

Join a Discord channel, become part of the community, get to know other players find raid times that fit your ever schedule for that week. There are various options; you do not have to raid the same group every week.

Moistdanny, who made you GOD of determining how and when and why people can or should play Warcraft? Youā€™re in every thread, preaching your chat GPT spam as if you know something. Itā€™s bloody tiresome and should be actioned by the mods of this website. Spam spam spam, thatā€™s all you spew.


Well Iā€™m going to break this down.

Actually, I never claimed to dictate how or when people should play Warcraft. In fact, Iā€™ve consistently emphasized the opposite. Iā€™ve provided options that are readily available to every player to fully utilize their time in the game. Just because I donā€™t want LFR in the last phase of cata and it isnā€™t being added with the launch of Dragon Soul doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ve ever dictated how someone should play the game. Players have free will and can choose to play however they like. I have also offered numerous alternative options to players in a helpful manor so they can enjoy the game.

Well Iā€™m participating in an informative, respectful manner while exercising my First Amendment right as a United States citizen. Just because you have opposing views does not mean that Iā€™m not allowed to post.

Again, my my posts are respectful, informative, and do not violate the Terms of Service or Social Contract. Unlike the ongoing harassment, off-topic posts, trolling, and insults from others, my contributions aim to provide valuable insights and foster meaningful discussions.

I call major B.S. You are the only one that believes your tripe. You demean, insult and condescend to anyone that dares challenge the computer generated spam you consistently spew. You deny, ignore and obfuscate any challenge to your ā€œfactsā€.


Gatekeepers gonna gatekeep. Donā€™t try to delve any deeper than that.


Actually, merely stating the facts in a respectful manner is none of those things. Everyone has their own perspective though. If you perceive the facts that I post as demeaning, insulting, or condescending, that is entirely on you. Try not to read too much into typed words, as you cannot discern the tone that is being used. I share information in a meaningful and engaging manner.

If you consider that providing players with options and readily available information is ā€œgatekeeping,ā€ then I suppose I must be the most benevolent gatekeeper ever, handing out keys to everyone. :wink:

It insults our intelligence to claim your opinions are facts. I donā€™t really mind it though because most people see through it and think youā€™re a fool and because such foolishness makes me laugh.

Like this post here. What you want to do is provide players with less options. Everyone can see that and thatā€™s what makes it so funny when you claim youā€™re providing options while proposing blizzard take one away.


My only complaint is that its not CATA its a new game . Its not even close to the way cata was and now there going to change 1 more thing in it. Theres no telling what they are going to add to the game to take the place for the LFR loot . But I am pretty sure its not going to be as fun !!!

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You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you thinks it means.


Fixed it for ya! Hope this helps!


The elitist want lfr. You literally have never had an original thought, and I doubt youā€™ll be able to come to the conclusion of why elitist want lfr. :roll_eyes:

They certainly will with whatever solution Blizzard comes up with. Odds are probably high on a 5 man grind right? If we are taking side bets on the new solution? At least that is the horse I am hearing being rode on in the unofficial rumor mill. Wellā€¦ everyone could have spent an hour a week to roll the dice or whatever on LFR gearā€¦ now it probably will be endless hours upon hours to grind a currency in content already driven into the ground for the same thing.

Isnā€™t even a thing, AotC comes from normal Garrosh, Heroic is Cutting Edge. Mythic isnā€™t even a raid difficulty until WoD prepatch.

It is so bizzare seeing people unironically get upset about a feature that is universally hated and considered to be the deathblow to classic wow.

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