LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

If it was universally hated then people wouldn’t be upset by it’s absence.


“I hate people having fun in ways that I don’t have fun, therefore it is universally hated”.

Fixed it for you.


It is interesting to note that many of the players who are upset about this 1 change are those who did not play Cataclysm. Ironically, these same players did not seem to get upset when catch-up mechanics were introduced, which have been widely criticized for being detrimental to the game. Or other changes were made. It seems like there is a bit of a double standard at play here.

Where’s the data? Prove it or admit you’re a liar.


The evidence is based on my personal observations and experiences while playing the game and interacting with other players. It reflects a perspective shared by many players. While the data shows that players use H++ dungeons and other catch-up mechanics, it does not indicate that they agree with or enjoy these features, or that they wanted them in the first place.

Additionally, it’s worth noting that interacting with a broader range of players in the game, rather than relying solely on a handful of forum participants who share similar viewpoints, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the community’s outlook.

The sad thing is… since they said they were going to add the LFR gear in the “having to do it” bit now is probably going to be just grinding your face off in LFD instead. So really the net loss is not having to do the raid more than once a week if you are a single character type person (or once per week per character) but instead just having to do the 5 mans (likely) over and over and over and over again for the 2nd time instead.

I don’t see the actual gain here. Maybe they surprise us and its something different but how much can they actually do on the time scale they have assuming they really were working on LFR and couldn’t get it to work. Last boss drops you a coin or something and 10-20 coins gets you an LFR item maybe? Just kind of seems how its going to be.

Well if they do that I’m just going to run it long enough to cap out the valor that I need for other gear because if they do like that I can imagine them making the two pieces excessively expensive just to encourage engagement and I’m not playing that game I will wait till I get my tear from tin Man or I just won’t wear it I refuse to run dungeons non-stop just for their engagement numbers

While this is a possibility, it has not been confirmed. Also, getting LFR gear this way is less RNG than going to LFR. So, this is actually better for the player that ‘doesn’t have time to raid.’ Now they can grind when they have time and not have to pray to RNGesus that the loot drops and then they win the roll.

or they can recyle what they did in WoTLK and put Firelands gear on the bosses and then reward a currency that you use to buy LFR/Heroic firelands gear from the vendor. Blizzard has done alot of different things in the past they have options.

Tier might be Valor-based, but I doubt they’ll make LFR gear Valor-based. The weekly Valor cap would need to be removed if that were the case. A new dungeon currency with a vendor is more likely the route they will go. But who knows.

Here is a fact – He’s a :whale:

As someone who played 4-5 characters and got Legendary Cloaks on all of them. Led a guild. Cleared heroics in MoP. Played excessively during the final months of Cataclysm and NEVER got bored in MoP. Not in 13 months of Siege. Not in the WoD Prepatch. Not in Tier 14 Patch 5.0, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, or 5.4 AT ALL. EVER. Was the most fun time and enjoyable experience in any version of WoW ever. I can absolutely say that LFR is A GOOD THING. Even if you clear heroic content within the first few weeks or your group takes their time. Playing a new spec, free gear, progression of your character on your own schedule, practicing on something that isn’t a target dummy and planning your movement, testing out mechanics and personals (spells,talents, glyphs) before you show up on that alt or main swap to an actual raid is A GOOD THING. LFR is fun to queue into with your geared friends. It is fun to go do LFR when you are heroic or full normal geared. It is great to do for Valor rewards. THE only time people disliked it was feeling forced to go do it for tier in Dragon soul for progression. THE other side of the coin is that LFR coloration and transmog is AMAZING. Bonus rolling LFR in MoP IS AMAZING. Keeping up an alt in relevant items, reputation, raid gear, tier, trinkets, weapons, and competency at a spec is a GOOD THING.

LFR HURTS NO ONE. IT HAS ZERO NEGATIVE EFFECTS AT ALL. Anyone saying otherwise is either A. Gatekeeping. B. wants their character to be as weak as possible C. wants to have their EGO stroked exponentially and feel their “STATUS” is threatened in some way.

It doesn’t affect anything but your weird ego for someone to be able to go do a raid on LFR that you want to clear on heroic. It only kills the community and prevents people from enjoying the game and keeping the MMO alive. Achievements, titles, mounts, the best gear in the game, the best raiding experiences are still there for you to do on Normal and Heroic.

Dragon Soul LFR colorations are very very cool. So for mog purposes it should exist.
LFR in MOP must exist. It allows you to finish your Legendary quest step for collecting items in your normal or heroic raid THEN you can que into Terrace for Sha of Fear (for the Chimera of Fear quest item) or the last wing of Throne of Thunder LFR (for the Heart of Lei Shen) without having to wait a whole extra week. Don’t have enough gold to buy a Darkmoon card? Once Throne of thunder is out go bonus roll LFR bosses for tier on your 500+ ilvl alt and then bonus roll trinket bosses in LFR and Normal to help you for your Heroic progression and get caught up. Taking a night and doing a bunch of LFR wings can be a great way to get valor as a change of pace, especially if you que in with a large group. Alt raids that clear Tier 14 or Throne of Thunder for legendary progression are also very fun and rewarding. These things do not cannibalize each other, rather they prevent different activities to do on different nights. LFR in throne and Siege can also help you get some socket items for your alt to go do Challenge Modes for that extra power spike (as well as adding an extra socket to a weapon from throne of thunder.

I could give examples all day. I would rather type about how Inferno dungeons in Cata are extremely awful and flat HP and damage increases are just needlessly annoying and time wasting. They do not actually present more challange and instead create HIGHER likelihood of a negative dungeon experience than just adding items to the valor vendor or allowing the currency to be rewarded per boss in any heroic. We all loved the faster paced and easier design of the dungeons in Mist of Pandaria. I don’t know anyone who is legitimately excited to get Halls of Origination or Deadmines (cata) on the random queue regardless of Elemental Rune Inferno or regular heroic. We don’t like feeling like our time is artificially wasted and I couldn’t stand Deadmines after the first time I revisited it due to the excessive amounts of “RP” that are forced on you throughout and at the end.
Please be more creative with your ways of handling LFR and Dungeons(catch up content). We actually enjoyed Halls of Lightning design(and somewhat Halls of Stone but that lost points for being so RP heavy as I mentioned above). Just implement something like that which rewards you and makes you feel OP for playing a certain way and helps motivate a fast, thorough, and efficient clear of the dungeon and does not drag it out artificially.

THANK YOU to anyone reading this. I want everyone to have a good time in the rest of Cata Classic and in MoP Classic and beyond. We have so many offerings and versions of WoW but this era that starts with MoP prepatch is truly my favorite MMO and era of WoW. If you can’t improve something, then just don’t change it and leave it as it was. Thank you.


Moist replies, **“But I don’t wanna do lfr, so remove it!”

While LFR has many benefits in MOP, we are currently playing Cata. Blizzard is also exploring avenues to make LFR gear from DS accessible, so just because it is not being added now does not mean the gear will not be added in the future.

This is not true, here are a few facts to consider. about how LFR impacts the game in a negative manor.

  1. LFR diminishes the sense of community and teamwork that comes from organizing and participating in traditional raids.
    2.The reduced difficulty of LFR undermines the prestige of obtaining raid gear, making it feel less meaningful.
  2. The anonymity and lower stakes of LFR offten leads to negative player behavior, such as trolling, lack of cooperation and/or AFKing. This can create a less enjoyable experience for those who prefer a more structured and respectful raid environment.
  3. Devs might allocate resources to maintaining and balancing LFR, which would impact classic even more, detract from other aspects of the game that players enjoy or prioritize.

Blizz is going to add an alternative route to obtain this gear.

Well MoP isnt here for anther 6-7 months. This is irrelevant.

I agree with you on this matter, but this is not the appropriate place for this topic. There is a post about this; please take this discussion there.

They could simply avoid implementing catch-up mechanics, thereby ceasing to bribe or reward players who quit after three to four weeks, only to quit again in another three to four weeks.

Unfortunately blizzard can’t do this.

LFR is not coming until MoP. The devs already said they are "exploring other avenues to obtain LFR gear. (probably going to add the LFR gear to a vendor or have it drop in the new infernos or something.) So when that happens, there is no need for LFR. This route would actually be better for casuals since they won’t have to fight and pray to RNGesus for loot. They can grind/do blizzards idea.

127,000 play the game. You talked to how many? You need to learn what a “sample size” is for a valid survey. Then you need to learn what a “representative sample” is. Then learn what “anecdotal evidence” is. After you done that you’ll understand why what you just posted is incredibly stupid and why those of us who have read at least one book or took at least one course on statistical analysis think you’re a moron.


While it’s true that a larger sample size and representative sampling are essential for valid surveys, personal observations and experiences can still offer valuable insights. Engaging with a broader range of players in the game, rather than relying solely on a handful of forum participants, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the community’s sentiments.

Additionally, my sample size from interacting with players in the game is much greater than those players, such as yourself, who only engage on forums, especially considering that I participate in multiple 25-man raids every week. This extensive interaction with a diverse group of players offers a more well-rounded perspective on the community’s views and experiences. Furthermore, the lack of raid logs from you and the other players criticizing my observations indicates limited engagement in actual gameplay and the community.

Here again you’re showing this forum how stupid you are. You have no clue how many hours I play the game or how many players I talk to in game. You’re a know liar here and you’re doing it again. Tell me how many hours I play the game and how many people I talk to in game each week or admit you just lied.

You lie so often I really doubt you do multiple 25 man raids every week with different players in each group. But do you expect us to believe you talked to every one in all those multiple raids about lfr, asked them whether they wanted it added, and whether they played original game cata. It’s not like you had time to ask them all during the raid so did they hang around after the raid so you could discuss it with all of them?

Exactly how many players did you talk to that told you they didn’t play Cata and they’re upset about lfr not being added. 3? 10? 50? 100?

I’m sure there are many people who hate lfr that read your posts are amazed at the level of ignorance you revel every time you post.

I played cataclysm and am upset. Checkmate AI whale.


The next 6 months of Cata would be better with LFR in it. All my reasons (except legendary quest progression and bonus rolls) are still valid unless Cata LFR did not give valor.

People would play alts and go to the LFR. Play specs they want more practice on (see the HUGE uptick in need for healers and hybrids in Dragon Soul Heroic). Get their offspec tier for similar situations. yes… yes…I know they will likely add it to a vendor for grinding but literally GROSS if that means doing infernos for them because that is the most awful player experience. Literally just let regular heroics have the new fragment and make it like the wrath system or the Halls of Lightning design yet with a different theme… it absolutely IS RELEVANT cause we all ALREADY hate the infernos and that caused so many of my old guildies and friends to either stop wanting to do dungeons, bother gearing up for raids, or play the game at all because the experience was horrible and the only thing that has those people somewhat interested is Hour of Twilight dungeons and LFR to gear characters and start playing again).

Another example, would be playing a new alt or main swapping and having valor gear, crafting, boes, available to catch up and then go into LFR practice specs and get a chance at some items. Most people hate the PTR experience and will never even setup their UI and characters there. If you want me to keep it all Cata specific then I will say that I personally swore I would never enter a Tier 11 raid again once Firelands dropped and while I might not mind doing some normal FL with a few heroics, I don’t think there will be many people doing FL 7/7 HC once DS drops and odds are if they are it’ll be for very specific items or staff mats on HR (and guilds already HR boes and patterns usually) thus decreasing even more things that might interest people in going to the instance again.

Finally, You, like many others, love love love love love to talk about how the community of organized raiding is so negatively impacted by LFR. You always fail to understand people who want to raid will find a way and those that do not, will not. Or that LFR could motivate or affect someone and help them on their journey to find normal and heroic groups by giving a taste and getting them excited for the progression to the next level. LFR was literally a vital and helpful addition in original Cata and enjoyed by players who went on to do serious heroic raiding in MoP and those cited players had either A. only just started the game or B. had just come back to the game. Those players will seek out the community of organized raiding if they are inclined to. Those same players that I am citing went on to clear most of Tier 14 heroic, all of Tier 15 Heroic, and made it all the way to Heroic Blackfuse in SoO before taking a break or changing their heroic activities. The same players who also loved to do Glory of the _____ Raider achievements (rewards not present in LFR). More options for more playstyles and schedules is a good thing. I’m sure you’ll just disagree again. It won’t change that people hate Infernos and find LFR to be a positive step and practice ground for relevant content.

Sure, I’ll concede that the trading gear and toxic behavior that can occur in LFR when the loot isn’t personal loot is a very negative thing. IT should be changed to be personal loot 1 time per boss per week. However the other appealing feature of LFR is that you can queue again and kill the bosses again. Great for practicing specs and rotations in live environments.

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While it’s true that I don’t know the exact number of hours you play or the number of players you interact with, the absence of raid logs is concrete evidence that you are not actively participating in raids. In contrast, I raid on multiple characters each week, which means I interact with a larger number of players in a raiding environment. This is particularly relevant when discussing LFR, as it provides a more comprehensive understanding of the community’s views and experiences.

Additionally, calling someone a liar simply because you disagree with the facts they present is not a valid argument.

What is he basing that ridiculous statement on? He has no clue who played original Cata. Just another made up ‘fact’ of his.