LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

This is your way of saying; “I hate casual players who don’t spend their life’s savings on the game, so I want to make it so they can’t play.”

Also… Womp womp whale


Your interpretation of my statement is incorrect. When I said ‘The game has a diverse player base with varying opinions,’ I meant exactly that. It is important to recognize that players come from different backgrounds and have different playstyles.

:whale: says what? Speak up.


I had a friend who was going to jump back in and do Cata in prep for MoP. He has now decided against it and gods knows I am not up for more of the same dungeons over and over and over and over and yet over again to help him gear up and have fun. LFR would have been perfect for him, mixed in with dungeons and I could have joined him on a ALT but nope


Well that isn’t a nice way to treat your “friend” I can see you had a friend.

Go away gold buying whale


I’ve been wondering the same thing. Not sure how LFR not being released is “gatekeeping” when normal raids are still available and accessible to players who are willing to put in the effort to join or form groups.
Also why is it a problem now but not for the last 5 1/2 years?

It would be both virtually and physically impossible to bring him through dungeons or anything content if he decided not to return. I know that is difficult for you to understand, perhaps ChatGPT can help you.

While you are figuring all that out above and having ChatGPT disgest it for you, here are a list of songs that you might want to play sooth you.
I know you like putting things in bullet points, so I made this especially for your enjoyment:

:whale: The Whaleman’s Lament
:whale: Paddy and the Whale
:whale: The Eclipse
:whale: The Whale Catchers
:whale: The Weary Whaling Grounds
:whale: Pique la Baleine
:whale: Et Nous Irons à Valparaiso
:whale: The Balena
:whale: Eight Bells
:whale: Captain Bunker
:whale: There She Blows!
:whale: The Diamond
:whale: Greenland Bound
:whale: Blow Ye Winds In The Morning
:whale: The Cruel Ship’s Captain
:whale: The Greenland Whale Fisheries
:whale: The Coast of Peru
:whale: Farewell to Tarwathie

I think you get the theme of these songs!


I’m quite happy that LFR is not being released with Dragon Soul launch.

I doubt anyone is surprised by your delight in other people not being able to participate in raids.


Because you get to buy more gear in your purchased carries, we know.


There is know one stopping anyone from raiding. Nothing has changed with the accessibly to raid in 5 1/2 years. Normal is still there.

Where’s Captain Ahab when you need him?


I think this kind of sums it up for you :point_down:


Giant L. If they simply tack on health and damage to infernos again there is no reason to even play.


Labeling me as a ‘whale’ simply because I have more gold than you reflects more about your own insecurities than it does as an insult. This behavior constitutes harassment, trolling, and disruptive conduct. According to Blizzard’s In-Game Code of Conduct, any form of harassment, including name-calling and derogatory language, is unacceptable. I have reminded you and others about this multiple times. I have also asked you all on numerous occasions to refrain from continuing this behavior.

yep. they don’t call themselves names like elitestjerks .com or similar attitudes rife in wow.

people just want to play a game

How do you know you have more money than I do?
I’m glad you agree I didn’t insult you.

Are you calling me poor and insecure? :point_down:

:whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale: :whale:


No LFR? Just more reasons to not have alts. Maybe one day it will get boring enough that I will stop paying $15 a month just to play a game 2 nights a week.

If the devs can’t do it, then its just a joke at this point. If they actually thought that the answer was to not have content produced… its just a different joke. Ah well.


I was really looking forward to doing DS LFR and the End Time dungeons. I will be very disappointed if LFR is removed. No LFR means one less reason to play Cata and just to wait for MoP instead.