LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

While definitely true, a greater populace would just end up doing both. They would first run LFR and if they don’t get the item they will then run heroics. Akin to the dynamic that BH has with the Tier Gloves and Legs right now.

Granted that is on them.

The outcry for Classic+ was loud. We now have Classic+. Granted you can’t really compare people with Cata’s numbers cause there is definitely a large group of players who enjoy WoW in general, pretends to hate retail, jumped back into the game for classic because of that pretense, and now don’t want to start over again.

I can’t say for certain if I am one of those people as I know I choose classic over retail when coming back (technically came back before classics announcement and was just casually up retail leveling and questing) because I wanted to see Dragon Soul and future content as current (The stuff I missed after I quit).

I’m sure if I had the time I’d raid on SoD and probably retail, but I don’t so…

I would not be surprise if they were trying to bring personal loot forward for it, and just couldn’t get it to work… which messed something else up and they couldn’t revert the changes in time.

Though I could see them attempt to rework LFR to get rid of the thing that the disliking majority hate.

This is overstating… The “casual” player isn’t going to be driven away by no LFR. If that was the case they would have already be driven away and wouldn’t return until its implementation.

Because Blizzard for whatever reason has taken up the stance they want heroics to be relevant all expansion like they are in retail, but without mythic+ or in our case heroic+ speed running being an endgame pillar.

Which honestly… is odd. It isn’t like we don’t get a new dungeon each phase to run if this was about catch up raid gear… but then again how many times would one want to run these new dungeons?

What gatekeepers are they listening to?.. and what are they gatekeeping your from?

That is your opinion. Though it can definitely be argued it is needed. Just like LFD was needed. Granted in my opinion it should be like LFD which it is not. In that it should throw you into normal (or even heroic… but I don’t think throwing 10 random people together with no vetting into heroic and saying “go” would work well).

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This is 100% the case. There have been really bad choices and changes. Guild perk removals such as Mass Summon (yes, this was abused back in the day to do city raids, but both mega servers are unbalanced, so this argument is irrelevant), Mass Resurrection (though it is now a class ability, it was nice when mages could invis and rogues could vanish), and Cash Flow (another feature that was abused, but it also helped guilds fund repairs and enchants along with other beneficial things). How they handled the Inferno Dungeons (the damage and HP buff was and is pure laziness), Retail transmog (this was a poor addition), and the removal of Void Storage (this was a great gold sink; people cry about the game’s inflation, but Blizzard removed one of the biggest gold sinks).

LFR is not needed because.

  • Existing Catch-Up Mechanics: Cataclysm Classic already has two effective catch-up mechanics in place. (New Inferno dungeon W/ H FL loot on a vendor + 3 new Heroics) These mechanics provide players with ample opportunities to gear up and prepare for end-game content without the need for an additional system like LFR. Adding a third catch-up mechanic would be redundant and unnecessary.
  • Final Phase of the Expansion: As Cataclysm Classic is in its final phase, the focus should be on maintaining the integrity and challenge of the existing content. Introducing LFR at this stage would undermine the progression and achievements of players who have worked hard to complete the content through traditional means.
  • Historical Precedent: In previous expansions, such as Wrath of the Lich King Classic, players have successfully cleared content and progressed without the need for LFR. The existing systems have proven to be sufficient in providing players with the necessary tools to catch up and enjoy the game.
  • Player skill Players are better and smarter than they were back in OG Cata. They are also playing on better computers than what was available back then as well. Making Normal even more accessible. Players also have access to guides, videos and strats that have been fine-tuned over the years.

None of these are valid, as they do not pertain to why it actually is needed (to allow people to play the game when they want).


Lol what?

This statement is proven false by common sense and examining the last five and a half years of classic WoW or the last 20+ years of WoW as a whole. Players can log in and play whenever it suits their personal schedule. There is no one preventing individuals from playing WoW at any given time, unless they have work or other obligations.

Not all players can join raids due to the requirement of scheduling with 9-24 other players. Keep coping loser whale.


This is their go-to argument. They use this argument because they can’t clear normal raids or don’t/can’t get into a pug group or don’t want to join a guild and raid there. This is 100% the victim mentality of people who make choices and can’t live with the repercussions of their choices, so they blame others.

They were the ones complaining about being forced to do LFR. You whales and elitists have addictions that you feed by insisting on doing things you don’t want to. Maybe go seek therapy? That would definitely be a better use for your money than buying gold and whaling for carries.


People have been able to circumvent this over the last 5 1/2 years without issue. There are options.

Oh, back to throwing insults again, I see. Do I need to remind you why people resort to insults during discussions?

Addiction is a serious disease and should be treated with the utmost seriousness, not as a subject for jokes.

WoW your very angry today i see do you need a hug? :people_hugging:

Now you are trying to slander my good name by making accusations without proof.

It didnt exist in TBC and WotlK originally. I doubt any of us were waiting for them to make up a whole raid tier that wasnt there. Cataclysm is a different story.


“Without issue”, no, those players just haven’t been raiding.

Remember that time that you started the insults? Oh wait, you don’t because your IQ os that of a walnut. Let me remind you; You were upset that I correctly stated that feral wasn’t F tier, so you started talking (insert word possibly mutable so not saying it) about my DPS, despite knowing that I have a computer that has 1 hamster wheel of power. Sorry that you’re now mad that I’m calling you out on your rampant gold buying.

Yes. And I’m being completely serious. What you have is an addiction, by definition.

Not angry, just don’t care about your incessant insistence that you’re correct, when you are objectively wrong, and am calling you out for what you are.

400k+. That’s the proof. Now go away whale, and get therapy.


That was their choice.

look more insults

No, you are making false accusations which are defamatory by nature and are a reportable offense.

If you truly didn’t care, you wouldn’t have taken the time to respond with such hostility. Your intense reaction suggests that my points have struck a chord.

Spending 400k in a single GDKP only demonstrates that I have the gold to spend. If you genuinely want to know how much I have spent in GDKPs this raid tier, I will provide you with access to the Google Sheet I use to track all the gold I have spent, including the items I won and their price. Spoiler Its more then 400k. Your jealousy is apparent, and it does not reflect well on you.

How so? If they can’t raid?? Are you this dull?

Nope, just calling you out. And it’s not reportable. Your spam about feral is though.

Fine then, I’ll just reply with “Womp womp whale” from now on.

Womp womp whale


Imagine being such a pathetic gatekeeper, then bragging about buying carries in GDKPs. :rofl:


I’m hoping (and I think I’m right) that the current removal of LFR is a technical problem and not a problem with the system as a whole, I can kill heroic ragnaros and I don’t care if the boss gets nerfed so you can too, I don’t see a problem with LFR. I don’t think its a problem that people get some decent items doing it.

I don’t really see any point in protecting 380 ilevel loot when there’s 410 ilevel loot in the game. I can’t imagine why I’d be upset if some “casuals” did LFR and got some raiding items, maybe they’ll make a guild and do normal, maybe they won’t and will just do LFR, none of this concerns me at all


Everything in life is based off a choice. Take you responding to this post after saying you didnt care. But yet you made the choice to reply again.

You making of false accusations are indeed reportable offenses according to Blizzard’s Code of Conduct. Additionally, my feral thread has been reported numerous times and each time it has been reinstated, which clearly indicates that it does not violate any rules. Therefore, your claim that my thread is spam is also false."

This is also a reportable offense.

More insults why can you sit here and have a normal discussion without throwing insults?

Having a job vs playing WoW is based off a choice. Choosing the job is the correct choice. Womp womp whale.

Incorrect buzzer. Womp womp whale.

No, it isn’t. Womp womp whale.

Why have a discussion with someone who buys everything and then tells everyone else that they’re worse? Womp womp whale.


Once again… what are you being gatekept from and who is gatekeeping you?

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Is it an insult if it’s true? Seems it’s merely stating a fact.

Anyway, as far as this ‘decision’. I’ll put it like this: I had been thinking about jumping back into Cata with the announcement of LFR. And instead I have now uninstalled the client.

I don’t know if it would be worse if they’re delaying LFR because they’re against the system or just because of their gross incompetence. But either way, the game is worse off without it. The fact that gatekeeping elitist trolls are cheering tells you all you need to know.


Even if a statement is true, the manner in which it is delivered can still be insulting. The intention behind the words and the context in which they are said play a significant role in determining whether something is an insult.

Well that was your choice to make.

The game has a diverse player base with varying opinions, and not everyone who disagrees with LFR is a “gatekeeping elitist troll.”