While definitely true, a greater populace would just end up doing both. They would first run LFR and if they don’t get the item they will then run heroics. Akin to the dynamic that BH has with the Tier Gloves and Legs right now.
Granted that is on them.
The outcry for Classic+ was loud. We now have Classic+. Granted you can’t really compare people with Cata’s numbers cause there is definitely a large group of players who enjoy WoW in general, pretends to hate retail, jumped back into the game for classic because of that pretense, and now don’t want to start over again.
I can’t say for certain if I am one of those people as I know I choose classic over retail when coming back (technically came back before classics announcement and was just casually up retail leveling and questing) because I wanted to see Dragon Soul and future content as current (The stuff I missed after I quit).
I’m sure if I had the time I’d raid on SoD and probably retail, but I don’t so…
I would not be surprise if they were trying to bring personal loot forward for it, and just couldn’t get it to work… which messed something else up and they couldn’t revert the changes in time.
Though I could see them attempt to rework LFR to get rid of the thing that the disliking majority hate.
This is overstating… The “casual” player isn’t going to be driven away by no LFR. If that was the case they would have already be driven away and wouldn’t return until its implementation.
Because Blizzard for whatever reason has taken up the stance they want heroics to be relevant all expansion like they are in retail, but without mythic+ or in our case heroic+ speed running being an endgame pillar.
Which honestly… is odd. It isn’t like we don’t get a new dungeon each phase to run if this was about catch up raid gear… but then again how many times would one want to run these new dungeons?
What gatekeepers are they listening to?.. and what are they gatekeeping your from?
That is your opinion. Though it can definitely be argued it is needed. Just like LFD was needed. Granted in my opinion it should be like LFD which it is not. In that it should throw you into normal (or even heroic… but I don’t think throwing 10 random people together with no vetting into heroic and saying “go” would work well).