LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

I doubt if the majority of elitists care if casuals get lfr items, the arguments against lfr seem to come from a more casual standpoint or people complaining it killed the game originally.

The rest of the communities gearing is really not a focus at all for me, I would have nerfed ragnaros a month ago probably and it seems like the lfr gear will be obtainable in some way anyway that they haven’t told us about yet.

As for firelands tuning, it was perfect pretty much, they kept the original difficulty for all of the bosses except rag, which is a boss that is way out of place and nerfed him to remove his most frustrating mechanics, they did a good job here

Here ya go…


Like that they understand this part now only curious what they’ll do as an alternative

I hope we don’t just get higher scaled dungeons like in Firelands.


This is their easy go-to solution.

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SoD - 69k raiders
Cataclysm - 127k raiders

One gets 2 brand new instances. The other can’t even get copypasted lfr.


if they’re not gonna introduce lfr, then don’t introduce lfr gear either. no one wants to run deadmines or halls of origination with mobs with 500% increased hp for currency to buy lfr gear. just put the normal tier on the valor vendor and call it a day


i just want to know what their “implementation” was going to be, cause they make it sound like it would have been “LFR+” or some BS when all they needed to do was give it to us like it was originally, with the sole exception being either personal loot or whichever loot system made it so that you could only roll on gear you could use for your spec.

LFR was going to be a nice easy way to gear up alts, but now it sounds like they’re just gonna make us run more Inferno dungeons (whatever they call them next phase)


It’s Blizz’s decision - I certainly don’t agree with it, but it is what it is.

As for their “Alternative means of getting gear”… why do people think it is just about gear? Some people just want to experience the raid / story. What about the people who don’t have hours upon hours of free time to do an entire raid in one shot and/or don’t want to commit to a guild / raid schedule?

I think it is a stupid move that will drive casuals away (they finally had a light at the end of the tunnel, but now it has been closed off (temporarily)), but hey… it’s not like the casual’s subs keep the servers running or anything.


I disagree with the “don’t add the gear” the 390 weapons and trinkets from spine and madness are better than some of the heroic FL items.

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If this mentality was being normal during WoWs history, we certainly would not have Classic, no more flying and all Retail expansions after 9.0 would be even worse than Shadowlands.

Unfortunately, after an evaluation of its current progress, it’s clear to us the implementation we’ve been working towards will be an unsatisfying experience for players.

The incompetence is staggering!

Pretty sure it’s not “fun” because it’s bugged to hell and they can’t make it work properly.


How is forcing people to continue doing the same dungeons they have been doing all expansion better? New patches should be about new content. If they wait several weeks for LFR or have a staggered release, fine. We’re getting 3 new dungeons that are a lot of fun. I don’t want to have to keep doing the old dungeons too. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of having to eat 30-minute deserters because I get Deadmines over and over.


If they really put all that loot in inferno dungeons and do nothing except bump the health and damage up again, that’s honestly so pathetic. The level of effort is incredibly low.


giant L, stop listening to gatekeepers


Why is it SoD can get new content Vanilla never had, but getting LFD for Wrath and LFR for Cata is like pulling teeth?


We have been stuck with a dev team that literally DONT CARE about doing anything better for the main expansions they only care about some custom server and apparently is doing worse than the main expansions raid popularity wise.

Pathetic devs at this point. Microsoft even worse considering that they are not even trying to put more people on the classic side to at least get things going. Personally my stop will be at MoP after that I’m done. As much I enjoyed legion I did play the living hell out of it (36/36 MT challenges 30/36 pre 7.3) and I have good memories out of it. I have no reason to turn those memories into bad because a bunch of bare minimum devs.


Because LFR is not needed.

It is important to understand that these “elite players” are not the ones who typically quit after 1-3 weeks. If this were the case, Blizzard would not be implementing a reward system for returning players, providing them with heroic raid gear for completing easier content.

If your bad and/or under geared. Though I do agree with your implication that increasing the damage and health of the dungeon is very lazy.

Whatever you have to say, just remember that I mentioned that being on the PTR does not guarantee its release. In fact, it did not even make it to PTR testing.

I propose that LFR should be treated like normal and heroic modes and share a lockout. This would not compel raiders to run LFR while not diminishing anyone’s enjoyment. Although I find it hard to believe anyone enjoys LFR, normal mode is easily accessible.

Thats fine release it with MoP pre patch. When you have a new army of panda alts running around.

You do realize that saying someone who participates in a GDKP raid does not earn gear is contradictory, right? Players who Participate in GDKP raids earn the gear they win because of effort and time they put into the raid.

This would be the play but not all the Tier from Valor just do what they have done in the past add a couple pieces of tier to be bought with Valor.

Because it is the raiders who go did LFR had Firelands loot back then and the gear was equal/lower in quality ilvl then what dropped in LFR. The exception for this was Tier set bonuses and Trinkets. Tho those items where lower ilvl the bonuses out weighed the illvl loss.

Alright and theres normal. LFR has not been in the game since Classic and people have still cleared the content without issue.

This is a 2 part question. So ill address the “Time” First - Very simple if people really want to do something they will make time to do it.
Now to address the guild/raid commitment. Not wanting to commit to a guild or raid schedule is a personal choice that individuals make. Also WoW is a MMORPG, which means it is designed to be played in a group setting. The game emphasizes collaboration, teamwork, and social interaction. Participating in guilds and scheduled raids is a core aspect of the MMORPG experience. These players do have the option of PUG groups as well.

You do realize that this is classic there is nothing new about the content? Excpet for the H+ dungeons. Blizzard is not going to add new dungeons to cata.

Lol you choosing to leave because you get VC and get a 30 min debuff is your own fault. When you could simply spend 15 mins in the dungeon then leave and not get a 30min debuff.

100% but the Dev team just spent the last 6 months making KZ Cyrpts for SoD players. after taking over a year to fix the Extra Action Button. They broke back in beta when they added Retail transmog and took away guild perks.

Maybe LFR is not yet needed in Cata, but in MoP and WoD, Legendary questlines would not be accessible to non-raiders without LFR.
It is a lot of story-content that for arbitrary reasons is no more available in Retail (They could have removed the Legendaries while keeping the quests).

A lot of players may be interested in Classic expansion-progression, because of old removed story content that is available again (at least for a while).

My issue is, the removal/delay of LFR in Dragonsoul could be a precedent for a mislead decision not to deliver LFR in Classic at all.


My argument is that LFR is not needed in Cataclysm. If you review my previous posts, I have advocated for its return in MoP, noting how it facilitates the completion of quest lines. I am not against LFR returning in MoP, where it serves a greater purpose.

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Sorry, i just flew over that long text before i answered.

But I still think it is important to point it out in general.
The devs are open to changes in Classic and it can lead to the wrong decisions based on a loud minority, just like the “LFR is the root of all problems in WoW” people obviously might be.

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