LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

If people did not complain and demand to be catered to, Blizzard would not have added these features. However, many players have grown accustomed to retail and desire free rewards because they cannot complete raids but still feel entitled to raid gear. Consequently, Blizzard catered to them. It would have been much better if Blizzard had not added any catch-up mechanics at all.

As I have previously stated, regardless of the system, players are required to grind. However, you can now farm fragments and LFR gear simultaneously, thereby streamlining the process. Blizzard tried to find a middle ground, making the game more accessible and less RNG-driven for casual players. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to please everyone.

By focusing on fairness and the availability of alternatives, the new system allows for better preparation and accountability for raids, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable experience for all players.

Nonetheless, people will complain either way, and it is impossible to make everyone happy.

Let us consider the impact of the new catch-up mechanics. The introduction of Inferno and Twilight dungeons as catch-up mechanics has made it easier for players to gear up without relying on older raids. This has resulted in fewer players participating in older raids because the new dungeons provide an easier route to obtain gear in a less challenging format. If Blizzard had not added catch-up mechanics, players would still be running older raids to obtain the necessary gear.

If Blizzard had not added these features, I would not be so opposed to LFR being in the game. However, it is really not necessary, especially now that the gear is 100% obtainable with minimal RNG.

Thanks for the compliment.

Well that is one way to look at it I guess.

You make running the same dungeon over and over fun by introducing new and varied mechanics with the next update

Titan Runes might have been hit or miss but ultimately we still ran them because they at least did something different. Elemental Protocol dungeons don’t have the same draw because no one cares about more health and more damage

The new twilight dungeons increase the health and damage, then add a buff, and the bosses have a chance to spawn an ooze, similar to the Zon’ozz fight in Dragon Soul. Kill the blue slime. All the other colors can be healed through, but if the blue slime hits the boss and no one kills the mana orb, your healer and casters won’t have mana, the tank will die, and you will wipe.

Original cata I was able to do the catch up heroics and twilight heroics and do regular DS. No reason to think I won’t be able to this time around. LFR would have been nice, but not necessary I guess.

Had a ret this morning exclaim “wtf” at the fact that Umbriss kept “almost one-shotting him”, like he never experienced the danger and learned to avoid it in the previous difficulties. Yesterday Rom’ogg spawned the chains on top of us so we all took the hit and two dps got nuked, whereas I’ve seen dps disregard that mechanic deliberately in the previous phase.

I’ve enjoyed infernos because of the smaller room for error, especially with mobs like in HoO that can be more thrilling than boss fights, in my opinion. It’s also worth noting I play with randoms and not a small coordinated platoon, and I leave the playcalling to those who aren’t indifferent to seeing mushroom clouds.

What on earth are you on about, what you said is the most nonsensical thing I’ve read in a long while. We’re effectivly being forced into Twilight dungeons because they drop tier 13 gear and trinkets and while yes you can simply not do them you’re effectivally handicapping yourself by doing so. Instead of doing LFR once a week now players are going to be spamming dungeons on the day of the patch burning them out more than ever before.

We’ve been doing these dungeons since since release and just because they’re called something different doesn’t change the fact that it’s the same dungeon that drops the same loot only now I get a currency that can be spent from a vendor that sells gear from the previous raid tier. It’s boring and has been boring since month 3 of Cataclysm.

ZG, ZA and the CoT dungeons would’ve been enough but they’re keeping with what they’ve done in WotLK and it’ll likely be a thing in MoP too.


What on earth are you on about, what you said is the most nonsensical thing I’ve read in a long while. We’re effectively being forced into having copious amounts of fun while you cry about auction house data and your boring play style.



It is what happens when people use ChatGPT to try to communicate as if it is their own thoughts.


Honestly, I hope not since LFR is available in MoP. H+ dungeons are not necessary for catching up.

As someone that does not have a consistent work schedule along with a chaotic family life I was really looking forward to raid finder. I know the gear isn’t tier, and I know a lot of people don’t want to take part in the activity, but for people like me that have limited time to play it gave me something to look forward too. 15 years ago when raid finder came out it was a fun way to gear alts, now it’s about the only way to gear my main. Really bummed its being delay and/or scrapped for the foreseeable future…

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What’s that? No LFR for Cata?

It’s not like I/some of us didn’t see this coming from a mile away.

LFR gear will be available from running Twilightnos, so you will still have an opportunity to gear up.

Especially the devs stated in an interview that they plans to release it in cata classic.

If some had their way…

They would take away RDF, random BGs, skirmishes…

Anything with a random queue system; if you can queue for it, they would remove it.

All done for the elitists of course.


The fact that LFR is not being released, but the gear is actually easier to obtain, is beneficial for casual players. They will not have to run LFR for weeks without any rewards Instead, they can run the Ti dungeons and acquire LFR gear. If not from the last boss by using frags to buy the item(s).

The point of LFR was to get to raid through the use of a random queue system…

Like RDF for dungeons…

Random BGs…

Skirmishes for partnerless arena players…

As a vanilla player, I’ve been seeing this song and dance for 20 years, since the inception of random BGs.

The so-called socialites of WoW would force me to find groups for everything the manual way rather than just letting me group as I see fit.


Raids in Cata are easily accessible, and LFR serves no real purpose until MoP, when it can be utilized for the legendary cloak questline. At that point, LFR makes the need for catch-up mechanics like Heroic+ dungeons and vendors obsolete. Since players can just que for LFR and gear up to then gear up for the next raid.

If that were true, then I wouldn’t need or be asking for the automated queue system, would I?

I disagree. LFR serves a purpose in any expac.

The point I’m making goes though one of your ears and out the other.

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