LFR canceled for Dragon Soul

I ran some SL wings for fun. and to kill time before schedule events. the arena/rbg guild dudes not on yet to see what I could get in on…sure, lets go see Sire D.

while the sl story was crap in general, Sire d got decent lines and a decent voice actor lol.

I love LFR. Best part is trying to find ways to wipe the group. How is that not fun?

was going to be doing normal anyway, but my hype for DS patch is definitely much lower with LFR in jeopardy. Planned to use it to raid on my schedule or in addition to normal for fun/non-guilded friend hang outs.

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Honestly, he is a troll. ChatGPT is his friend which is even more sad but some how seems on-point.


Yes, he’s a complete narcissist. He can’t comprehend the idea that fun is a subjective experience that differs among people. When we tell him it’s fun for us he’s bewildered and just rejects the idea.


Nothing is stopping anyone from participating in normal raids other than themselves. If individuals truly want to experience the raid content normal mode is easily accessible to EVERYONE. There is nothing preventing anyone from doing so. No matter what excuse is given, the answer is simple: IF YOU REALLLY WANT TO DO SOMETHING YOULL FIGURE A WAY TO DO IT. The only thing holding you back from doing something is yourself.

Here are a few of your common excuses:

  1. I don’t have time. If you truly want to do it, you will make time.
  2. My schedule does not allow me to raid. Again, if you truly want to raid, you will make it work.
  3. There are no guilds that I can raid with. There is a tool called Discord that has groups of people running all the time. Utilize it.
  4. My schedule varies; it is not consistent. Utilize Discord.

Stop pretending to be the victim. PPGF

That’s because GDKPers and RMTers only care about obtaining gear, and not about HOW it was obtained.


The experience has been replaced with the reward. Obviously gear has always mattered and been a driving force. But these day there’s a big group of played who only care about the shiny reward.

If there was a vendor to simply buy your tier gear for free…that’s what they would do. Then log off. They don’t even want to play the game.

I’ll never understand this mentality towards a video game. It’s a hobby you’re choosing to do. Yet everything they do is geared towards to playing the game as little as possible. And this type of player is growing. I don’t know if it’s the younger generation who grew up on mobile games that warped their approach to video games, but…it’s sad. It’s like they can find no joy in a game.


/shrug the exact same can be said about plenty of SR or LC or whatever other kind of loot system.

And non of that explains why LFR is a problem, especially since as you said it wouldn’t stop people from participating in normal modes if they want to.


That is the main problem is that it doesnt share a lockout with normal and heroic even tho it as 3rd difficulty and should be treated as such. Leaving LFR out was the best choice blizzard has made in cata.

Now the gear will be easier to obtain, most likely tied into H+ dungeons, with less RNG, making it significantly better for every player. Casual players will have an easier chance to acquire the gear, making normal modes even more accessible than they already are. With Heroic Firelands gear and LFR gear, normal DS will not be a challenge.

Fully expect? It already hasn’t AT ALL, jesus.

I wonder if that will end up being true. Time will tell.

People making all these arguments about lfr or not. For me personally i just like lfr its fun and it gives me something to do. The gear being on the vendors is great and all, but it was a smaller part of why i would do lfr. I usually pug because im on at random times so i was really excited for dragon soul lfr.


If you tell some players “It’s fun” you’ll see smoke come out of their ears as their processors burn to ashes. That statement simply does not compute.


What a troll . And some of us do not want to run the same 5 mans 1000 times that we have all ready run 1000 times

Read above troll

What running out of arguments !!! So just copy past your own posts .

We all do not buy gold to pay for GDKP like you do !!!

Only if you can stand running 5 mans 1000 more times . A lot more fun running LFR 1 time and done on alts then running the 1000 Protocol Twilights .


There is no need for insults; let’s keep this discussion civil. The availability of gear from the vendor reduces the randomness (RNG) factor, making it easier to acquire items for progression or transmog. The only thing stopping you from obtaining these items is yourself, not RNG. It sounds like you don’t want to take accountability for being prepared for raids. You preferred blaming RNG for not getting items in LFR rather than recognizing that the new system is fairer and less RNG-dependent. Regardless of the system, players would need to grind; now, you can farm fragments and LFR gear simultaneously, streamlining the process. It seems like Blizzard tried to find a middle ground, making the game more accessible and less RNG-driven for casual players. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to please everyone. :blush:

I was merely reinforcing my argument. Since it is a valid one, you seem upset that you have no substantial counter for it.

This does not guarantee you the loot tho. Which does not help the casual player.

I have them on ignore but sadly the forum software lets some things leak through when quoted.

I 100% agree. I cannot imagine running the same tired dungeons over and over again for what now a 3rd time (with a few more thingies added) and calling that fun or even something people desired.

That is true lazy least effort to fix something they broke.


I 100% disagree. The dungeons are kept from becoming tired by playing different classes in roles that get short queues to respectively diversify strategy and minimize downtime. It’s fun because I grew up on dungeon crawlers and the dungeon finder makes it easy to dispose of trash.

Why do I feel like this response has slight hint of AI to it.

I don’t know anyone who wants to run the same 8 or 9 dungeons for 1+ year solid over and over and over. If that were true raids would have never been created.