LFG willing to help new players

Im new to WOW. I know feel free to roast lol. Looking for a guild thats willling to take me under their wing learn the game in time for Shadowlands and grind out raids. On every night 10PM-2AM EST and longer on weekends HELP!!!

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War Theory is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow - US. We strive to complete every boss of the current content before the start of the next raid tier, on a two night, six hour a week, raid schedule. We welcome healthy competition in our roster, and our goal is to promote a balance between progression and fun, while maintaining momentum throughout the current tier. We are a guild that strives to create long-lasting friendships in a virtual world, because let’s face it. This game sucks to play alone.

Raid Times:

We operate on a two day raiding schedule, with an additional optional re-clear night.

Friday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST))

Saturday: 9PM to 12AM EST (6PM to 9PM PST)

Monday / Thursday optional extra progression day or heroic clear.

We also have a large community who loves to PvP and do M+ keys.

Additional questions can be directed to Adzz (Shocky#11140) on Battlenet and Adzz#4670 on Discord.

I actually just started this year as well. We are a smaller guild of 7 people now that play on Wednesday nights 8PM Eastern to about 11ish and then we try to get together again on the weekend to push more into the mythic dungeons. We are hoping to get more people to do raids but for now we are all just leveling up gear and pushing mythic+ dungeons and PVP for the essences. Let me know if you want to try us out one night and see if we are a group of individuals you could see playing with. you can contact me on Discord Rudy_Crazylegs#3739 Hope to hear from you.

Hello Teeaye!
We have a very close knit core and are always willing to run people through things or help them work on their characters. Below is our thread if you wanted to take a gander if we may peak your interest.

Hey Teeaye! Our guild, Grey Horse Army, is pretty new, but was founded by experienced players. We LOVE helping new players grow and learn! Our whole point in forming this guild was to build a fun active community that also happens to raid, do mythics, build alt armies and other guild shenanigans :slight_smile: If you want to chat, my BNET is Thistlebloom#1316

heeyyyy. If you are ever down to try horde on our server and you see us as a good match, hit me up!

Me too I’m new with my first 120 character would love to join a guild

Good evening Teeaye,

<Dusk to Dawn> is a late night Horde guild on Mal’Ganis forming for the rest of BFA and into Shadowlands. Our goal is to clear most of Mythic every tier in Shadowlands, but focusing on bringing in the right personalities. We are keeping the roster small (the only people in the guild will be the raid team) so that people can actually bond and form friendships with their fellow raiders. I want people that care more about finding a home and group to raid with tier after tier instead of just having people that only care about chasing CE every tier and bounce between guilds to get it. We are a very laid back group and our top priority is having a good time while killing some bosses.

We already have a very tight-knit group. People are online in discord every night hanging out and chatting. We run M+ pretty much every night we aren’t raiding (even before/after raids some nights). We also have people doing arenas, mechagon hard modes, and dungeon/raid achievements. We are new player friendly, as long as you’re willing and wanting to learn and improve! We are more than happy to help. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, I’d love to chat more!

Raid Times:
Progression nights:

  • Tuesday: 11pm - 1am CST (12am - 2am EST)
  • Wednesday: 11pm - 1am CST (12am - 2am EST)
  • Thursday: 11pm - 1am CST (12am - 2am EST)

Farm night (optional)

  • Sunday: 11pm - 1am CST (12am - 2am EST)


12/12N, 12/12H, 2/12M (with pugs)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or fill out our simple app and we’ll get in touch with you:

  • Discord: Zamereon#4336
  • Bnet: Zamereon#1622
  • App: bit.ly/DuskToDawnApp