LFG isn't an Addon, It's an Exploit!

But it was available in Vanilla. So why can’t I use it?

Removing it…why? The auto-invite is being removed, as is the talent tree reporting.

So what’s left to complain about?

If you can leave your machine and the machine still spams chat for you while you go eat a pizza, that is a bot. No different from a farming bot or similar.

You have no idea who I am or what my opinions are, please don’t put words in my mouth.

No, I definitely don’t want the API in the state it existed during Vanilla, because unlike you I actually know what that was like. The Vanilla API was far too powerful and cannot be placed in the hands of the modern community; it allowed the creation of bots, which in actual Vanilla was used only at the tip of the iceberg to create Healbot and Decursive.

What I want is an API that allows addon creators to recreate the kind of addons that existed during Vanilla, while now allowing automated or destructive addons (like Decursive/Healbot).

The tool will evolve if it isn’t broken, to the point that you can select who you want in the group as it will take advantage of the /who command parsing out anyone who isn’t the class / level you want. Basically to the point of where the only thing it doesn’t do is teleport you to the dungeon.

This is a really slippery slope, and it is going to affect so many add-ons. If this add-on is broken, it may break many other add-ons. I want it broken, and am fine with many others being broken too since Blizzard has already broken many other add-ons for Classic. People will attempt to abuse the systems in place, and the fallout from breaking the abuse will be quite large.

Again, you haven’t looked at the Blizzard API, have you?

What was removed?

Healbot and auto-curse removal? Yes. What does this add-on have to do with what you said? You still have to invite party members.

Why did this need another thread?

Downtime is an important ingredient to a game that intends to be an immersive world. If you constantly are gogogo, PvP, gathering, questing, while your add-on removes the downtime required to find like-minded players for whatever content you’re tackling.- that EFFECTIVELY removes a social aspect of the game. Having to take a moment to stop, communicate, and put together a group, that downtime isn’t OMG SO FUN but it makes the group experience that much better. It adds to the game. Downtime is required to stop and appreciate the game as a world.

All of you players that want no downtime you’re 100% the cancer of MMOs. You belong in single player games or lobby based PvP games.

What we need:
Zone/global chats

What we do not need:
A button that queues you and places you into a group.


If you have to commit time into making your group, you’re interacting. You’re part of the hustle & bustle of stormwind. You have to communicate with others in order to get a group going. You’re that interested in making a group, you need a healer, so you’ll hang around looking for a healer until you find one. That’s an immersive experience where you get what you put in.

As opposed to needing a healer, you would hit the lfg add-on, filter options to look for a healer, push button, then completely turn your mind off of interacting with others until you & 4 strangers are grouped. You don’t have to put time into it, you never stop what you’re doing, it’s constant gameplay minus social interaction. This sounds time efficient and productive, yes? Yes. However, it’s a MMORPG. It’s made to suck you in & you feel like you belong to a world you share with others. When I start doing dungeons with lfg add-ons, that whole bit of interaction has been lost. Yeah, I’m doing dungeons faster. But the price of losing interactions isn’t worth it. Dungeons are fun, but if I feel like my group mates are robots from lfg add-on, then the dungeon is no longer fun.

Are you saying we are allowed to use farming bots to auto kill and auto loot while we are afk?

Nothing has been done to remove the auto-invite feature from the game. I’ve told you countless times just changing the version on curseforge does nothing to prevent users from using the auto-invite.

If Blizzard chooses to leave the auto-invite without breaking it, and they might, it will be used. I can make a video of myself using if for RFC when I get to Wailing Caverns if you’d like.

Your argument would be like ignoring a security flaw because “well no ones gunna do that”. It doesn’t matter. If you do not want someone to do something, you have to explicitly prevent it, or they will do it.

Because we’re still a few days away from launch. If you think is bad? Wait until the complaints about Q’s from the full servers.

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It dilutes the need to interact with other players on a 1 to 1 basis. Instead of conversing with others to form a group, I’m browsing a list.

It simplifies and harms the social aspects of the game in any fashion.

LOL it says so right on the damn GitHub page. What are you even smoking?

Suu said two hours ago it was coming out.

What is your damage? This is a serious question. You engage in conversations where facts are stated and then say “well I never heard that”

No you don’t. It does it for you in it’s current version. Go watch the video where it auto-invites people to his group after he creates it.

And the argument that I responded to was “It was in Vanilla”. My point was not that it is automated, which part of the current version is, but that just because something existed at a point in Vanilla doesn’t mean it’s not counter-intuitive to what it was.

Looks like Mr. GitHub doesn’t know how GitHub works.

Statistically speaking, you’re predictable and irrelevant. Your anecdotes are just that, anecdotes and don’t portray the whole community.

Oh really? I had over 150 days /played during vanilla and wrote a lot of code for addons back then. #PleaseComeAgain

#NoChanges and they broke healbot/decursive, if you don’t remember…

You can’t have your cake and eat it.

Again, you’re just another case of #NoChanges #ExceptTheOnesIwant

By this definition, then doesn’t Questie, Monkeyquest, Castbars, DBM, Atlasloot, etc… all go against the “spirit of the game”?

Shhh! You’re using logic.

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You think his GitHub page can prevent me from using the other version?

Are you trolling me?

You can’t seriously be a developer.