LFG isn't an Addon, It's an Exploit!

So basically, you have no argument.

For the 8.2 version yes. Not the 1.12 version. They’re different addons, although they look very similar, for different games.

Addons in Retail DO NOT work in Classic. So any addon “demonstration” you see in Retail doesn’t apply to Classic until it’s observed. They’re very different in terms of limitations and addon abilities.

Yes, the dev of this addon was answering questions over in the other thread and confirmed it.

Maybe it was different in vanilla, since I only started in TBC. But I have no idea why you’d want to spark a conversation with someone LFMing for a dungeon unless you join the group, where you can do it in party chat. And if you don’t want to join the group, then the requests are just empty text spatter.

I think the community needs a Blue post about stating if this is indeed fine or not very soon! They better be ready to disable any of these addons that become exploits that break the Classic experience.

Call to Arms was completely fine I thought? The addon in your video is for 8.2, which enables Auto Invite. A 1.12 version shouldn’t have that capability, and according to the addons Author, won’t.

Part of the charm and fustration back then was traveling to Ironforge to spam for people. You spent hours there lookinf for the right n combo. Hours that you spent socializing and getting to know people.

You could log in see a guy asking for a tank for scarlet monastry. Go about your questing. Come back a few hours later and by chance see the poor guy still asking for a tank. You feel for the guy and decide to tell him that you go. You come into a group that is so grateful to have or tank or be filled in general for that specific dungeon. Thats how friendship was forged then.

Now there is no added mental stressm post up a help wanted sign. Afk or do what you wsnt. To to see if there is any appilcants and invite.

Every get invite at the same time. Being classic. They all know what to do. Word are not needed.

Congrats you have run a full dungeon effiecrntly and effectively. Howevet you did it with no socialzing. Why? Because everyone is a stranger. With old style of lfg waiting around…eventually there will be an icebreaker that would get even the most introverted person to open up and chat.

This LFG addon will kill that. Welcome to retail classicist.

Who gives AF?

It’s mostly gonna be DPS who want to sausage fest around.

Healers and tanks have very little reason to use.

Mountain out of an anthill.

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All classic content is in retail, so why play classic? Oh wait retail’s world is empty and people don’t talk outside their guilds. No struggle = no communal bonding.

The dev of this addon confirmed in the custom portion of the addon there is auto invite. The intention was for forming larger PvP groups was his reasoning.

If you’re spending hours looking for a group, you’re not socializing with the right players. Are you trying to actually play the game, or chit chat? Typically, if you’re in the city still looking for a group, its because no one is replying. No social interaction.


Why haven’t you been banned yet, OP?


That. That already exists. Go ahead and cry because IO will happen because of it, whether you want to or not. Sarcasm and strawmans will get you nowhere with me.

There is still an auto invite feature.

Which can easily be abused, not hard at all, to make dungeon groups. Start looking for a custom groups, players auto join, then narrowed down the five people you want based on roles. Really simple.

Not trying to change your thoughts or opinion, because this is the internet so there’s no point everyone is right apparently, just pointing out what the author said.

And to me thats fine. The Auto invite isn’t a smart tool. If 4 warriors ping to queue up, you’ll have 4 warriors in the group. It’s more of a convenient way to just /invite people from whispers. You still should do some personal vetting for the best group.

Just because it fills all 5 spots of a party, doesn’t ensure the group will succeed in A) Getting to the dungeon and B) Finishing it.

Exactly - I am happy to have discovered these outrage posts because I would not have known about the addon without them. I have already downloaded it and installed. If the haters really want this addon to take off all they need to do is keep posting about it.

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You are right about the second part but wrath, cataclysm, mop, and WoD got rid of almost everything from vanilla.

None of the dungeons play out like vanilla and there are only 4 vanilla raids now. 2 of which (AQ20/40) I expect to see some change happen to progress the old god story.

The number of replies in Q in replying. Nice one.

No, it isn’t smart, but the way it is designed you can use the custom group finder to fill up lets say 20 people and then pick and choose who you want based on class without ever saying a word and just declining them, similar to how dungeon and custom group finder work in retail.

What if a noob plays an odd spec of a weak tier class? If groups have no trouble filling roles …then they will never have to invite said noob. The noob gets rejected everywhere. If groups are in a moderate struggle to fill their group, they might reconsider inviting the noob. I choose community over convenience. #banlfgaddon