LFG Horde Side

Hey Folks,

I’m just looking for a community of casual players to pvp/pve/socialize with. I like xmog runs, mount hunting, transmog hunting, battlegrounds and occasional dungeons. Not looking for anything to serious, just an active group of casual players.

I’m eastern, but can play pretty much any time other than very late night. Mature community would be preferable, but I’m open as long as there is an active presence.

Thanks in advance.

I suggest the guild below.

They’ve recently changed their name from Splendid Industries to Splendid Companions, but I think they might be similar to what you’re looking for.


Thank you for that reply. I guess I should have made the title better, and I posted this originally in the communities section. I guess it was moved here.

I’m actually in a guild, and I like the people I game with. I was just looking for a larger community with more active players separate from my actual guild.

Sorry for the confusion.

If you’re looking for more of a community, you’re welcome to try New to MG Horde (NMGH). It’s set up more for RP than PvP or PvE, but you’re welcome to look around and respond to other posts.

Another place you could try is the MG Channels and Discords thread, which contains many communities, including neutral and Alliance ones (so you may need to sift through a bit).

Links below:



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Thank you. I will look into that. I was actually contemplating leaving the server and going to wyrmrest accord even though I don’t want to leave my guild, just because the horde presence is so low and sometimes out in the world feels alarmingly scarce. Main thing that has held me back is my guild and also they are western time zone and I live in Georgia. I’m hoping to find an active community to avoid that.

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It’s not so low once you get to know a few people. If you join up to NMGH nudge you might be pleasantly surprised by how busy and active the community is. You just have to scratch a little past the surface.