Hey Everyone-
Looking for a guild to play with on classic. I started playing wow during BC and never experienced classic. I would like to join a fun, very active guild that will raid after 6pm pst. Looking to play frost mage or lock.
PVP, PVE, Alliance, Horde, doesnt matter to me. 
Hit me up brother!
Royalty is currently recruiting all classes for Classic on Skeram! We are a group of friends who have played WoW and other games together for 10 years! Each of us has had our fair share of hardcore raiding and PvPing. Our goal in classic is to enjoy the experience while clearing raid content 2 days a week, 3 hours a night. We understand there will be veterans to wow, and new comers to classic, everyone is welcome!!
Current Needs
- Currently all classes are open.
- We will be raiding Tuesday and Thursday each week from 10:00 PM to 1:00 AM Est.
- 90% raid attendance will be required to remain an active member of our raid team.
- Loot will be distributed through officer Loot Council. There will be no loot whoring and the best interest of the guild is always priority.
- No prior raid experience is required however we do expect you to do your class research and execute the fights correctly.
- Try to arrive to raids 15 minutes prior to start, this ensures we aren’t waiting 30 minutes for the first pull on an already shorter raid time.
- Discord is a must for all raiders
What we expect from our members
We are looking for dedicated players who are willing to give it their all when playing in a fun setting. We aren’t here to be the most hardcore on the server. We know mistakes are going to happen. The best part is that we are playing classic again and can enjoy it while still being a great guild clearing content. We expect you to optimize your character the best you can outside of raiding. We will have dungeon groups to help others with gear/attunements/gold farming. Off days we will definitely have group pvp going! We hope to hear from you soon!
Contact us on discord or battle net!
Poppa - Guild Master - Poppa#11962
Happyfeet - Officer - Bird#12913
Hello Hater
<Symphony of Souls> Adult raid guild is recruiting! Join us on the road to 60! We are looking for like minded players to enjoy classic WoW and high spirited nostalgia on Pagle!
Have fun. Make progress. Don't be a dick.
Expectations: (guild) SoS is an adult raiding guild and we firmly believe in providing a fun and inclusive environment. We encourage our members to play the toon/spec they want to play! The guild is expected to be supportive of one another and we do not condone trolling or attacking fellow members. That being said, the guild is not G rated and adult humor is expected! Ultimately the goal is to have a fun place to ask questions, group up, and enjoy the game as it should be, with friends!
DKP with decay. Rewarded for effort, not being the GM's bff.
Expectations: (raid) The goal is to be raid ready by early Nov, however we are flexible on this. Unpopular raiding specs are supported, though we may have to limit the total number of them if it begins to greatly hinder the raid. Raiders are expected to ask questions, know their class, help the guild farm for raid mats and repairs, and be willing to help your fellow members with attunement etc… Finally raiders are expected to use voice chat/Discord, though you do not need to speak only listen if you wish.
Ask not what the guild can do for you, but what you can do for the guild.
Raid Times: Tue/Thur 8:30 - 10:30 PM EST 2 nights a week with the possibility of adding a 3rd night in the future.
Classes Needed:
Druid - Feral Low
Hunter - Low
Mage - Medium
Rogue - Medium
Warrior - DPS High
Hop into our discord or add me on battle.net! Ghyst#1586 Discord - [discord.gg/DgwdnPF]
Omni_Sensei#8660 thats my discord if you wanna chat, not gonna bore you through a paragraph of information
We have a group rolling Alliance on Westfall. You can contact me on discord at Lorilin#1575.
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yo bro im just starting up to, hmu battle tag: dkell#11377