Lfd tool for m+

I think it would be a great idea. Get rid of the failure penalty and if someone leaves, you can queue for another really quick. No longer waiting and looking to get in groups or IO checks. If you don’t like it, there is always an option to make your own group. Ya??

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Runs would have have an extreme failure rate and/or be a revolving door of replacing people. They’d have to heavily rework keystone dungeons to accommodate them being matchmade and at the end of the day it’d probably still be terrible.

There would be extremely long queues for dps.

Io or dungeon score is basically just history/exp.


It would be a disaster and it will be abused.
Cata heroics proved that queue-able content with any form of difficulty simply won’t work. Face-rollers simply won’t learn.

The timer will not be removed (otherwise Hero every boss or fight) and how would keys work? No one with a high key will ever risk it with a bunch of face rollers.

Setting difficulty at +5, +10, +15 and +20 may work. But the timer will not be removed and face rollers will scream for nerfs and demand the timer be removed.

Allowing looking for replacements will be abused. “Cool, we are at last the boss, lets kick this dork and bring in the guy who paid for the it.” Or “lets bring in the guildie”.

Even when finding replacements, the timer won’t stop otherwise the remaining 4 will continue.


You’re not getting into my key Vennz.

But i was told your the gatekeeper and hes the keymaster


I’m okay with M+ not being for everyone, I’m not okay for some dungeons being M+ only, the only other complaint is no alternative to gearing besides mythic+ for smaller groups. Delves is solving that, hopefully M+ only dungeons will also be reconsidered. It’s important that people be able to experience all of the game without having people being capable of gatekeeping that access.

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When someone asks if you are a god you say…?


If you want LFR level buffoonery in your keys then sure.

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I really hope you would enjoy DPS joining as tanks and healers but staying as DPS and pretty much wasting everybody’s time.

LFD/LFR are not designed for challenging content. Heroics exist and players can get by with just auto attacking and AFKing through most of them. Throw that into M+ and you are begging for failure.


well i dont wanna be in your key. Boundaries

There is only 1 true God

Tbh the only thing I could see the being useful for is new tanks learning routes, otherwise, who in their right mind would bother… aside from dps.

Regular mythic would be great to have in lfd.

let’s see we’re now coming at 10.2 and people still dont know how 10.0 dungeons work. And you think people using these will learn how to do the dungeon in a couple of months?

But sure lets do it as long as it get’s streamed on twitch 24/7. Wow needs some good content to watch while I’m at work

Yes but only if the entire time the Benny Hill chase music is played.

Benny Hill Theme Tune - YouTube


Rofl! Makes me think of Razagath. “Kick your orb!!” … ignores the orb.

6 tries later…

“Kick your orb!”

Ignores the orb.

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Dude. Dude….I thought the same thing earlier. Evil. But funny as heck.