LFD kick abusers have made the WoW experience miserable for my friend

The irony in this is palpable. You can almost taste it.

You make insulting others and complaining a routine. Your perception of the world isn’t the only one, and others chipping in saying it isn’t that big of a problem are offering a different perspective on what you seem to think is a flood of vote kicks. It doesn’t happen nearly that much. I hope you can find something in your life that brings you some sort of joy, because it clearly isn’t here.


so if the majority say its ok to murder and pillage, then its ok?
if the majority say its ok to take advantage of the minority, then its ok?

I mean, you literally just defended abuse of a system because the majority were in agreement, so please dont backpeddle now or try to qualify the argument you just made in light of how far it could be taken by those who want to abuse those systems.

Straw Man….

This is a video game.

The system is being used as intended and designed, so it’s not being abused.

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The irony of your tryiing to find irony is off the meter lmao.
You have NO valid argument to make in trying to defend ABUSIVE MiSUSE of the vote kick…so you are scrambling now trying to find ANYTHING to win on any point you can try to make. lmao

YOu mean like the “Muh never been kicked so’s its not a thing” sort in here? lmao

to the ignore list 19 post alt who just happened to home right in on vote kick controversy

So propose a fix.

Don’t argue or insult me, what’s your fix? Doubtful you will see this, since you ignore everyone not tuned to your echo chamber, but it was worth a shot.

They don’t have one. They just want to project their virtue so everyone can see how good and benevolent they are. All they know is screaming and insulting. They’ve been behaving like this for at least 3-4 years.

Oh I know, because the system is as good as it can be.

The point I was attempting to make, is the “abuse” with the kick is substantially lower than before there was any kick at all. It got to the point of “just let um afk, we got this”.

so in your mind its ok to abuse fellow gamers who havent done anything wrong or disruptive because…you know…its ONLY a video game.
no son…those are HUMAN BEINGS on the other side.
You know that right?

then you have NO CLUE WHY the vote kick originally was created, that much is VERY clear lmao.

I think we can assume you are saying its perfectly fine to mistreat your fellow gamers if the ‘majority’ is ok with it, even if that person has done no wrong

now…for your next act, tell us all how you feel this way, but then it never actually happens in the game where vote kicks happen for no GOOD reason lmao

that seems to be the narrative you all are running with in here

Seething with so much rage they’ll project whatever they want onto other people, argue for it and then think they did something :rofl:

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Personally, I think the game should have optional basic tutorials on using spells as the new player gets them, like quests and occasionally scenarios that can be accessed through the class trainer. Why would you choose this new spell or ability or when? These would also be useful later for a player who decided to skip that stuff and then realized he didn’t understand some things that were holding him back.

There could be a “basics of instances” tutorial that explains what to watch for and how to react. It would teach players to follow the tank rather than wandering off the path and aggroing mobs. How to recognize upcoming common mechanics that are often telegraphed in dungeons or raids.

Also a “know your role” tutorial that teaches a player how to be a team player, what not to do to maximize their usefulness to the group. It would provide maximum opportunity to make mistakes, and immediate feedback to players fell into those traps. Lots of tooltips, circles, and arrows.

Not everyone is capable of teaching themselves complex things they don’t understand. In fact, I think it’s the rare minority who are able to go from absolute zero to competence in a short period of time. The fact that elite players who have been playing for decades can run a dungeon once, notice everything they need to know, and recognize what they need to look up is not relevant to the learning process of the total noob.

In fact, there could indeed be a tutorial on how to use outside third party sites to do research and speed up progress.

I don’t think any of this will ever be part of the game in a meaningful way, since Blizzard can’t accept the reality of how humans learn new things. They think that the learning process for becoming a great gamer is unrelated to the learning process for anything else, and all it will take is a change of attitude for the new player to suddenly become a talented, quick learner who needs to step into a dungeon just once to get most of what they need to know. This is because the few designers, planners, and developers who ever played the game seriously are so far from being average player/learners that they don’t remember what it was like to play their first game. Or they may have been so talented and privileged they really did pick it up very quickly and had a family support them playing 12 hours a day 7 days a week.

But the fact is that if you put a noob in a dungeon with other players, he’s going to make mistakes he doesn’t realize he’s making, and if he’s a tank or healer he will probably get kicked. Do you seriously think a new healer who doesn’t know most of his spells or that you need a healing addon, doesn’t know how to use mouseover macros, and doesn’t know what a dispel is going to heal properly?


This topic is VERY easily ended.

“get rid of the vote kick”

“no, we cant do that because without it we’re stuck with disruptive players

Not…“we need it to kick for transmogs and playing panda and taking a wrong turn”

EVERY PERSON in this thread who is FOR kick abuse if its being removed will then argue the RIGHT reasons it needs to be there, instead of this ‘for ANY reason’ hoax they’ll telling jokes with currently ol

Join with 1 more.

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Theyd vote to kick…clearly.
And theyd be hypocrites for doing so because they all lost they minds when i said Tanks need to know basic paths thru dungeons because THEY LEAD THE PACK, lol

Just selective outrage in here, as per usual…ZERO consistency in their logic or arguments ever in here.
Very entertaining to watch though…well, until its a waste of my time, that is

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This game and forums is a waste of time, like all other games, if you think about it. That’s their goal.

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I do that but when I talked about doing it I was accused of “holding people hostage” in my groups. Manufacturing the circumstances to avoid being trolled, griefed, or harassed is apparently also bad.

They can leave.

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They can, but I was told I should be doing follower dungeons because it’s wrong to join a group with a 3/5 majority apparently.

They dont want to help new players learn the game.
They kick you for garbage reasons.
Then they whine in here about “muh MMOooooo’z” when players are fed up and want more solo content. lmao.

Clearly none of them actually BELIEVES this is an MMO or theyd treat their fellow gamers better.
Obviously they really believe WE are all NPC’s, lmao

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Much like how you berate everyone who slightly disagrees with you? Oh that’s right you just ignore everyone.