LFD decision is a Blizzard money grab

They haven’t failed, they just aren’t doing it the way you want them to.

When we were hoping for wrath, we were hoping for wrath, not Wrath-

Not including LFD in its original form is exactly what I want.

I’m glad they didn’t.

If they redesign it, I’d gladly support it, IF the main feature of “not being Cross-Realm” was at the heart of that redesign.

If they say they don’t mind LFD during ICC then they aren’t “anti-LFD” stop creating boogeymen and labeling people who don’t agree with you omg

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And i want it as it was, won’t quit over it, but i will fight for it

It’s not that they “don’t mind it” during ICC, it’s that they can’t argue it being put in when it was originally.

I agree that’s a valid argument, but that’s also where the “fall to Retail” posts begin.

Ummm it was originally put in during ICC. What is your deal omg

I mean, as long as it’s by Classic Cata i’m good so, I’m just bored and figure the more voices for it they’ll realize it is wanted.

what are you on about?

I’m saying even the anti-lfd people are saying if it’s added during ICC they’d be in no position to argue against it.

Im about to be on this buffalo chicken wrap I don’t even know whats going on in here.

I literally hope they never do this and Classic Wrath will be the end.

Cata was hot garbage and would need a LOT of reworks to make it playable.

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then don’t play it?

Let those of us looking forward to cata and mop play it. Mop is my favorite expansion, best class design bar none.

You can just make a group of 5 from the chat and join as a group random DG to get the badges. Einstein.


Most people don’t use it that way though. You CAN do that, correct, but that’s not the majority of the player base doing that.

They want to sell boosts, plain and simple. They know that if you can’t get any groups you’ll be far more likely to buy a boost. Dungeons are the only thing that keep leveling fun. Going 1-60 without dungeons is a boring chore most people would rather pay to skip. DKs won’t change this because they start at 58 and go right to hellfire. You’ll get outland dungeons off them but nothing from the old world.

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Let’s not forget they save money on instance servers, since LFD means easier and more frequent access to run things for everyone. Not having LFD not only means they save money by not having to invest in bandwidth and resources to keep up with the influx of queues, but also so they can better throttle people through the expansion.

This is the mentality I’ve been pointing at in here. If they don’t like it then no one can.

WRONG. you forget to factor in all the people like you freaking out about it that will “quit the game” over it. bots will bot regardless.

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You do realize that this game is run by whales and bots right? Its not a loss. Its more wow tokens sold to reroll because no faction change, and buy boosts, and when they’re done doing that they make a lvl 1 and buy more wow tokens to have it bot boosted. One whale can easily pay for hundreds of casuals. This is ENTIRELY a money move.

It’s a stupid money grab though. Way more people will play WotLK if it has LFD, especially if it has it at the beginning.

2 months after release rush…that lfd will be needed for late comer dk’s lol. Asmore than one boosty probably will ahve used this to get the level clear to get…the DK.

At this point on some servers like bloodsail (I have a level 63 there)…you got the raid loggers. they did their attunements. they don’t dungeon much now. Bloodsail is also a medium pop server. the level of server many are concerned about here. Medium is very loosely defined by blizzard. Medium as I have seen it…is still dead as hell all the same.

I can say with no exaggeration I have not seen a slave run in a few days in ads, 2 hours session at least.

you may see some ramparts.

For free anyway. Most nights its attunement sellers cutting each others throats for your 50g. x mobs, x xp/rep, x minutes for the run. so if so pressed for time 20 minutes is too long…player x guarantees 15 minutes or less even.