LFD decision is a Blizzard money grab

Yea, before people got reminded of what an expansion was like when people did less dungeons like now.

1+ hour wait to maybe get a dungeon is not fun.

Every reset poll in every space of social media and beyond has shown vast numbers want LFD at SOME point.

And I’m not against it being added, but it needs a revamp.

It was poorly implemented and ended up being one of the main reasons (people have claimed, not myself though) that the game went “down the tubes” to Retail.

I mean, it had some issues sure, but a full revamp?

idk, fix some issues with it by putting in a more modern one (as someone who plays a lot of pservers, the wrath one sucks, it breaks groups because its before they added instance groups)

But it had a major plus, you were given 7 runs a week to get your emblems, not one a day, so you could do them any day(s) you wanted and not have to log in EVERY day.

I’m not talking about the rewards.

I’m talking about who and where it pulled people for groups.

If you look at Group Finder as we have today, that sort of system cannot work in a scenario where preserving community is a priority.

LFD and how it created groups was and is antithetical to any sort of “community” feel to the Classic model.

What community?

Have you done dungeons lately? 90% you can’t get a single person to talk. I like to crack stupid jokes and no one even tells me to shut up. Most people ever say in many groups is “inv”

It’s just the way it is now.

I don’t even think it was LFD, I use DF in FFXIV all the time, people are chatty cathy’s in there.

And you support a system that further alienates people and perpetuates that sort of behavior?


The silent masses are the gold farmers lol and the casuals who sub for three months out of the year.

Except it doesn’t

LFD in FFXIV is social. It’s literally wow, it’s so much wow that other mmo’s meme about it.

It’s probably cause wow has a larger group of “high end” players and people who emulate them then games with a more casual outlook like FF or ESO. WoW is the gogogo meme.

it’ll disrupt the faction imbalance even more. Horde Racials bis for pve = ally racials bis for PVP
more then likely avid pvp players will use their 70 boost to make a human.

They don’t want to sell a 25$ change when they could milk 10-15 wow tokens and two months of sub time out of whales rerolling? One whale pays for like 25 casuals by himself, not to mention the goldfarmers/boosters subs.

That’s not helping the case for adding it.

That’s actually another VERY good reason not to add it.

It was supposed to be a “better way” to make groups, where people on different paths could meet to do dungeons and help people who didn’t have a regular social group to meet some new people they may not have met along their normal path.

You’ve just given the opposite argument and helped proven that it is NOT a good system.*

*Edit: for WoW.

Who said that WOW was VR chat? Who said wow was a legitimate social experience? I remember having fun with friends sure. But otherwise if you want a look at the social aspect of wow look at the barrens chat circa 2019

LFD not being the problem because in other games its social is a reason not to add it to wow? What?

Anyway, I’m not going to quit over it not being in Wrath (i’d at least like it by ICC, but whatever) but it should be in in cata

It has always been touted as such, and when Classic Vanilla launched people swore up and down it was a “better community experience than Retail”.

Are you now claiming that was all lies?

Yes i am lmao, i played P1 and it was toxic af. If you want to actually “play” this game you have to stomach toxic mega servers. Not to mention the paywalls like boosting/gdkp/wow tokens. Its a pathetic attempt to pull money out of people who have no social experience outside of the game.


LFD, when originally added, was said to “create a better experience and help people make better social connects while making groups”.

It was designed to help connect people, not just give you a fast way to spam dungeon runs.

If it’s not doing what it was designed to do, why add it?

Just because “it works in other games” doesn’t mean it will work here, and it has been proven not to work here.

We can’t really prove it was the majority of the reason. People aren’t social in dungeons without it, what’s the harm of putting it in?

Btw retail is still a social game, communities, guilds, raid groups, just as social as it’s always been from the day I started in 2004.

The benefits of LFD far outweigh any perceived negatives.

I mean, I’d take it as no crossrealm, but that wouldn’t do much to fix the issues it’s there to fix.

Love how LFD is the scapegoat for whales ruining retail so we shouldn’t have it in classic. Logical.


I have gotten into eve incursion fleets easier lol.

and when there…well we are there for a bit. so yes we shoot the crap.

Wow…elune help you if that dps drops off. You are dropping in the meters player x…wtf!

umm, wife talking to me so yes I am missing a few key timings and you are seeing the lower dps of…blind 1,2,3 presses. the world is not ending here.

Hell I see it in retail wintergrasp. at the 4 minute mark it is clear this is jsut a cold, hard, depressing loss.

So…some get social. Nothing is fixing this WG. Nothing. So we have fun talking about whatever. and in comes mr/ms. serious.

Build, build BUILD! fight to the end!

dude this this match is ended we ain’t breaking down 3 walls at x/4 vehicles at 4 minutes. even if by the unlikely miracle we turn this around to /24 the other side will just turtle it lol. YOu can turtle a demo rush for a few minutes easy. so…we are talking about pineapple on pizza. Build on that.

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It would have to be no cross-realm, but that’s what the Pro-LFD people want it to be to combat being on low pop servers.

No Cross-realm would have to be at the heart of the redesign. If they include it, they’ve immediately failed.