LFD decision is a Blizzard money grab

I was going to play classic wrath just to relive old memories but when they decided not to add lfd, that made me not wanna bother anymore.

I started wow on my old account back during tbc and I was never able to touch a dungeon until after lfd was added. Without it I can’t get into dungeons.

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wow now looks like a Chinese farmer dream!
and blizzard is trying to seize any benefits by selling retail tokens & classic Boosts.

Anti LFD people be like : “we want a health enviroment for social interactions…”

Also : “Shut up and play the way i want you to!”

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… Umm sorry but yes

decent % of these people were boostie haters at tbcc start. and will be boostie haterz wrath start. Great community representation there for those that applies to. Some…not all. Not all hate boosties. to them I say cool, thanks for being open minded here. .

Even my boosties get turn downs. Said before say again…my issue isn’t being social. its being honest.

when asked about gear on lfg “interviews” I will say I am mostly non communal gear. Quest rewards…maybe a decent BOE if on sale for a nice price in AH. I haven’t got dungeon pick up to replace rings/trinkets so they are still communal green.

and thus…the interview ends. Badly.

Somehow communal means you can’t play to some. I boosted the rogue to see combat rogue as it was sooner than leveling one.

I can play it. Its…the outlaw rogue without the roll the bones crap and a very nice and sexy talent tree. I now see why many miss it in that abomination called outlaw. Its still…build up points, spend points however. that I can do.

Blizz… I just do not understand. How is trying to watch LFG chat (standing in town) waiting for a group to be looking for the same dungeon you want and actually want you (class/spec/etc) to be in their group better than standing in town waiting on LFG queue? Neither of those options are good for player “immersion/togetherness”. So why have you let all these hardcore classic players (of which almost all are elitists or people who have more than a few hrs of play time per day total, especially the ones who comment in forums and who are going to voice their opinions more) who are definitely not the majority of players in classic dictate that a core integral component to the success of WOTLK be completely permanently removed from WOTLK classic. I was gearing up new toons and prepping for WOTLK farming gold etc, now I am most assuredly not going to be playing due to this one fact and I am sure many others feel the exact same way. Thank you blizzard, Ill go play on Warmane and cancel my sub yet again…

is the wotlk lvl 70boost one time only per account?
or can be used multiple times on same account?

Blizzard didn’t add RDF to tbc so hundreds of thousands of server xfers would be purchased to create mega servers.

Blizzard isn’t adding RDF to WOTLK for boost coin sales.

It’s always about money. Always

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Yet they’re not selling race changes. They’re not selling faction change. They’re not selling pve–pvp transfers.

Yep blizzards diabolical plot to make tons of money by actively avoiding most of the things that would make them money.

Not yet…once the boost sales taper off let’s see how things change.

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I’m a retail player, but I always thought one of the chief appeals of the classic branch was supposed to going back to personal connection approach vs. auto-groups? And if that’s the primary difference between retail and classic, why would they add it now? It’s of course still present in retail.

They did go back to a personal connection style in Vanilla Classic and TBC Classic. Now it is time for Wrath classic, which had as a major feature…RDF.

It is for exactly that. Community and socializing like we are doing right now. That’s not a guise. If you want LFD go play retail or download the LFG bulletin board addon. I’ve played on numerous private servers and you get some of the most toxic high horse idiots in LFD because there is no true penalty to leaving or effort to make a group.

Exactly. It was present in Vanilla and TBC and is a major draw to the game and a strong point of its player base. They shouldn’t remove that piece of the game. That’s why we have a separation between classic and retail.

To be fair…eternal Classic exists. So you’d also have that separation between that and Wrath.

Yeah, they are doing it in a more stealthy fashion my man. Keep up.

Thats a valid point and totally completely fine…

however LFD should 100% exist for people leveling. Leveling to 80 is awful with zero ability to dungeon.

As for people talking in groups it can’t get any worse. But at least with the RDF I actually get a group