Hi all im looking for a weekend raiding guild that raids Thursday to Saturday morning, afternoon or late night all work as these are my days off. I think i would rather play PvE Horde but im not set in stone on that. I mained a hunter back in 2004 on Icecrown as a nightelf. Im looking at shaman, warlock, shadowpriest or maybe a mage.
Please hit me up if your running a weekend raid as i would love to hear more!
bnet is montie1123#1255
Hi, Weekenders Pagle |A| is looking for more players:
|Semi-Casual|Sat/Sun 3PM-6PM EST|might be what you are looking for if:
- Can’t find guilds that will raid in times that you are not working!
- kids are doing their own thing.
- The Husband/Wife/Partner won’t Aggro at this time PST for Inv .

check out all our info:
Hello Apheidity,
Guild: Mizithra
Server: Whitemane
Faction: Horde
Goals: Raiding and PvP
Raid Times: Saturday (9:00AM-12:00PM PST), Sunday (9:00AM-12:00PM PST)
We are a dedicated group of people around the world who choose to have a different raid time than most due to jobs and family…but with that we unite! Many of us have Vanilla experience and have been playing for years.
Looking for all classes!
Please come with a positive attitude, willing to help others, commitment to raids/pvp, and humor!
Join our Discord - https:// discord.gg/c9M8WU
Battlenet - Kingslik#1362