LF tue/wed herioc raiding/social guild

My wife and I are looking for a new guild for TWW. Mostly interested in herioc raiding and M+. Both are KSM and AOTC casually. Need something tue/wed or weekends after 5:30pm pacific standard time. I will be maining ret next expansion and she played boomkin. Send me a bnet add
Guilds cross realms now???


We raid Wednesday Thursday, so that might be a hard pass for you, but keep us in mind if you wasn’t a cool place to hangout with awesome people!

The Dignified
Everything fun from AOTC+ progression raiding to push RBG’s, we do indeed have it all. Old school activities and the best guildies anywhere.
To be in the guild, we make no demands of anyone other than respect your mates. RBG push team and Prog raid team have requirements as expected.
Calendar Events:

  • Gold raffles monthly
  • Mythic Monday event for all 7pm CST weekly (need leader)
  • Casual current content raids Fri Sat 6-8pm CST for all
  • Progression AOTC+ raid team Tue Wed 8pm CST (seeking 2 more dps).
  • Old raid and dungeon night Thur 7pm CST each week
  • Push RBG team 8pm CST 2 nights a week
  • RBG’s for all 8pm CST 4 nights a week
    (seeking another pvp officer/recruiter for the guild).
  • Random pvp shenanigans
  • Annual transmog contest
  • Guild parties with mount give-aways twice a year

If interested, contact:
Bnet: Stormy#1445
Discord: stormy1445
Or leave a message here.