LF Sunday Night Heroic Raid/Guild

Hello All,
I am another one of those returning players looking for a one night a week heroic run on Sunday night. Hoping some guilds might have an alt run or something like that I can tag along with. A bit about me, I have played since BC and have raided all the while on and off. I have Mythic (then heroic) raided in Cata, Mists, and the beginning of Warlords. Since then, i have turned more casual as life has caught up with me. I still want to play and clear content with some new friend, I unfortunately can only commit to one night a week.
I am hoping to find a fun community of active players that enjoy the game for what is it and also enjoy other activities in game such as m+ or holiday events. I currently main a havoc DH but also play a mage and a druid (resto/boomkin) Whether you are a seasoned top server guild that alt runs Sunday night, a new guild that is gathering new members, or a PuG that raids every Sunday and needs a few more bodies, I would love to here from you. Hit me up here or in game and I would love to chat.


Hi Bahzerga,

Our guild, Triangle Pub is a guild based on a tight-knit and innovative community of players that have been raiding with one another since Cataclysm. Our demographic is majority college-aged players from the north-eastern region of the US. On top of our delineated interest in raiders, we are currently looking for players of ALL roles for daily M+ runs.

We are currently searching for the following roles to fill our core during the interim prior to 8.3:

- Blood Death Knight
- Protection Warrior

- Afflication/Destro Warlock
- Assassination Rogue
- Havoc DH
- Elemental/Enhancement Shaman

- Restoration Druid
- Mistweaver Monk

Note: These roles are subject to change at any point and will gladly take any player into consideration if we see a potential fit.

Here is a current digest of our current raid schedule

Friday: 6:30pm - 10:30pm EST
Saturday: 6:30pm - 10:30pm EST
Sunday: 6:30pm - 9:30pm EST

If you’re interested joining, please contact myself or a guild officer. Find my contact information below.

Btag: Tang#12536

I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Yayyo