LF Social, M+/Raiding guild

Hello Stormrage!

I am an older player (in my 40s) looking for a mature team of friends and adventurers to join. A little bit about me:

Currently a 222 Havoc DH. I can tank when necessary, but main and prefer to DPS.

First and foremost, I am looking for a laid-back, stress-free, socially active group either in guild chat, on Discord, or ideally, both. I enjoy chatting about the game with friends, talking a bit about class theory, reminiscing about old content, etc.

My primary interest is in M+, but I would love to also be part of a raid team with a focus on N/H. Again, my focus is on trying to find a good group of friends - I would rather have the friends and the good times and memories then the achievements.

Would love to hear from anyone who might be interested. You can contact me on Discord at BrokenActionFigure#9288 or via b-tag at Eruinne#1157.

Thanks in advance,

hi pls message me on discord Jonanthan#0084


Our raid is looking to add another DPS. Our main focus is finding fun to raid with, low drama people that share the same goals as our team - clearing Heroic. Our guild is also pretty active running Mythic+'s.

Our group is mature, laid back and stable. Our raid schedule is Tues/Thurs from 8-10:30 pm est. You can learn more about us here:

Add me on discord or b-chat and we can talk more about it if you are interested.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Sevenfôld | Evenafter

Hi Syndarian, “The Force” (adults 21+) may be a good fit for you. Many of our guildies are age 40+ (I’m 64 myself), and the guild is active doing everything the game offers. We have an active Discord also whether by speaking or typing. Since the guild is medium-sized, we always have people online at any time of the day or night, and we are still growing at a rapid rate. Since you have an interest in doing keys, their are always guildies LF people in our g-chat practically every day, and we have some people that do 15s. Guildies may also group up for other things like Torghast, Timewalking, pvp, etc. As for a N/H team, a group of us (including myself) are waiting for someone in the guild who wants to raid lead us for a weekday evening team. Our GM- Wakeofmalice leads a weekend afternoon H/M group. The people here are very friendly, and if you have an interest in us, you can contact my hunter “Laruin” for more info/invite. I am online practically every day during the daytime and sometimes in the early evening after dinner. Hope to have you in our family!

Sorry about hijacking the thread, but your guild sounds like something I’d definitely be interested in. I added you in game and will message you when I see you online!

Would love to chat with you about the guild further in game. Will look for your name.