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Still looking for fun people!

Looking for a healer for the team still!


I am currently looking for a guild. Unfortunately, at the start of Shadowlands my M+ group fell off (and I didn’t feel like PuGing) and not too long after that, my guild died. I am currently looking for a new guild, and since the character services are on sale I am taking advantage to change servers as well. I am happy to faction swap to alliance since all of my horde friends have since quit the game.

About me:

I prefer to heal, it’s my favorite role. I’ve been healing since release of TBC (the first time around). From Pandaria to BFA I was a Mistweaver monk. Ironically, it’s the only healer I don’t have at 60 right now. I’ve done a few 10-12 keys before my M+ fell apart that first week of SL, but otherwise kind of stopped doing keys cause PuGs got on my nerves. All through Legion and BFA I was doing 17-19 keys, so M+ isn’t anything new to me. I don’t typically raid Mythic (for example, in BFA I killed 1 relevant Mythic raid boss and that was cause my guild begged me to come heal so they could at least do the fight). I don’t have any interest in hardcore raiding and haven’t since WotLK. I do tend to like to get AOTC, though. My biggest focus is a desire to get KSM each season (this season was a wash), and I love to do keys.

Hardest part of finding new guilds for me is getting “into the cliques” inside them. I’ve never been a super social person because I am extremely introverted but as I get comfortable around people I will open up and get chatty. Until then, I tend to be very quiet. My job hours are fairly stable, so I can pretty much commit to raid times. I spend all day at work babysitting people and dealing with their drama, so I do my best to avoid having to deal with people’s drama in-game. I am friendly towards all types of people (LGBT ally, etc).

I just want to find a group of people I can get comfortable with so I have people to shoot the crap with, run stuff with, and generally just hang out. I just recently moved to a new city where I don’t know anyone at all (other than my employees, whom I don’t have any desire to see outside of work). None of my online friends play WoW anymore so I don’t generally get to hang with them, so I am looking to develop a new friend group.

Let me know if you think your guild would be good for me!


Love the name btw. I definitely would like to talk to you.

Our main focus is finding fun to raid with, low drama people that share the same goals as our team - clearing Heroic. And it sounds like we have that in common. Our group is not clicky and the team will have some new faces this tier as well. You would not be alone.

Add me on discord or b-chat and we can talk more about it.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Sevenfôld | Evenafter

Oh, awesome! knowing that I wouldn’t be the only new face makes it all the more appealing! :slight_smile:

I sent you a bnet request. Mine is Seltzer#1787. :slight_smile:

Looking for one healer and one tank!

Still need one healer for the raid!

Looking for a rogue, shadow priest, Havoc DH, Frost mage or warrior for dps.

Looking for a druid, demon hunter, pally or monk for tank.

Still looking for a few more solid fun to raid with people.

If youre looking for a frost mage, I’d be interested. My discord ix ximuu#1808, I will also reach out

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Sent you a bnet request.

Still looking for a rogue, shadow priest, shaman, ww monk for dps.

Looking for a druid, demon hunter, pally or monk for tank.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Sevenfôld | Evenafter

Still looking for a couple of fun dps

Still looking for a few dps.

And room for a druid, shaman or monk healer.

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Sevenfôld | Evenafter

Still looking.

Updated the class/role needs.

Still looking for non priest healers and experienced dps

Looking for a tank, healer and heroic ready dps!

We are pretty settled in all of our roles. Will always talk to someone we thing will be a great fit for our raid in terms of personality, goals etc. There are a few unrepresented classes/roles that would be nice to have on the team:

Shadow Priest
Fire or Arcane Mage
Arms Warrior
Rogue (any spec)

BNET Real ID: Eventin#1487
On Discord: Sevenfold#7482
or you can talk to me in game: Sevenföld | Sevenfôld | Sevenfold