Hey Kymerra, Eclipsed on Stormrage is large guild on a high pop realm with multiple raid teams, mythic plus pushers, and also we have many casual players just doing their own thing in our community…We have a very busy guild chat and also a pretty busy Discord with plenty of people who hang out in voice from morning to late at night…here’s a bit about our guild…please get in touch with me if this sounds like a good fit 
Our goal is to achieve the Eclipsing of bosses, M+, Mounts, and every other aspect of the game.
Eclipsed, on Stormrage, was created by a group of veteran players that want to build a community oriented guild that encompasses all aspects of the game and doing it with other people to achieve our best possible playability. We are recruiting for multiple raid teams, keystones, PVP, and more.
Dark Star (AOTC/Mythic)
8/8N 8/8H 6/8M Vault of the Incarnates
Tuesday and Thursday 8-11pm EST
Needs: Melee DPS (Havoc DH, WW Monk), Ranged DPS/Healer (Dev. Evoker that can off spec Pres.)
Cosmic Shift (AOTC/Mythic)
8/8N 8/8H 2/8M Vault of the Incarnates
Saturday and Sunday 7-10:00pm EST
Needs: Ranged DPS (Mage)
Tidal Acceleration (AOTC/Mythic)
8/8H 4/8M Vault of the Incarnates
Tuesday and Thursday’s 8:30-11:30pm EST
Needs: Melee DPS (Unholy/Frost DK), Ranged DPS (Balance Druid)
Space Balls (Rated BG Team)
Wednesday’s 9-11pm EST
Needs: Accepting all
Nova (Normal Learning Raid)
Friday’s 8:00-11:00 pm EST
Needs: Accepting all
In a raider, we expect the will and drive to learn and collaborate, as well as openness to constructive criticism, initiative to research and master your class, and the desire to progress at a moderate pace by
- bringing a positive attitude. We want mature, goal-oriented, and chill raiders who enjoy raiding and want to be here to have a good time with us.
- Each minute of raid time is valuable. We need you to be punctual and prepared.
- We also expect you to know the boss strategies. Fights are a lot less frustrating when everyone is prepared and knows what to do ahead of time. Speaking up and asking a question when you don’t understand a mechanic or strategy is encouraged.
We are also openly recruiting people interested in mythic plus pushing, PVP, achievement runs, random guild events, and etc.
- Nakkita/Recruiting Lead Discord: Nakkita#7971 BTag: britt2376#1776
- Swizz/Assistant Recruiter Discord: SwizzNanaz#5766
- Jay/GM Discord: Whitezilla#0001 BTag: Jussgetit#1891