Raid times are 7:30-10 PST (10:30-1 EST) on Thurs/Fri evenings.
Currently we are 8/8 N and 3/8 H in LoU.
We have earned AotC every tier since we formed in BFA. We do progress Mythic with the intent on seeing how far our raiders can push, but there’s no expectation of getting a certain number of bosses killed in Mythic and we’re certainly not a CE guild.
- Adult oriented guild that is understanding that other things take priority; very understanding if things come up that require you to miss a raid from time to time or wanting a break. We also take raid breaks before new patches and for all major holidays to prevent long-term burnout.
- Cauldrons and feasts are provided. As we approach tough content, such as AotC and Mythic progression, it is expected that raiders are enchanted and are bringing raid consumables as well as performing at a reasonable level to contribute to the success of our raid.
- Discord is required alongside guild engagement. Joining our guild means more than joining our raiding team, you are joining our family - and as such, we ask that you integrate with the guild and use Discord (and voice chat as necessary) since we have raiders spread over several time zones, therefore we highly leverage Discord chat to talk amongst one another.
- Outside of WoW, we play other games, as well. We have a few who play League, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy, and a handful of Steam and console games. At least once a month, we have a fun game night where we play games such as Jackbox Party Games and Among Us.
Highest priority need for recruitment right now is warlock, hunter, DH DPS. Will also consider a 5th healer for our composition granted they can flex ranged DPS - any healer with a ranged DPS spec would be viable. Other DPS spots may be available, but at this time I do not have room for main tanks or main healers. I only recruit for positions that I intend to fill and keep filled for a long period of time as there’s not a rotating roster of raiders. Players who can play the above but also be flexible and change classes or specs for different types of content (raid, M+) are highly encouraged to apply.
If you intend to apply, I do not care about your logs. We want quality humans over quality DPS - meters can be improved, attitudes can not. That being said, performance isn’t a non-factor, but we have a raiding roster of capable and patient raiders who are willing to help you in times of struggle. You simply need the bravery to reach out if you feel you could be doing better and many raiders would be more than happy to help.
Our trial process includes two weekends of raiding and you are highly encouraged to do at least one M+ run with guildies so that you can see us both in a raid and small group environment. At the end of your trial, the officers & players with knowledge of your role/class will participate in a performance vote and the guild as a whole will be able to raise concerns if they feel there is cultural dissonance.
Add me on BattleNet (limbrok#1655) to inquire about trialing. You can leave a message even when I’m offline and I promise to reply within 24 hours.