I have been searching for the better part of four years for an AOTC guild that has a high priority for offnight games and not just smashing m+.
I would rather play a variety of games with a group than strictly stick to wow. I also dont mean that one or two members play League every so often. I’m looking for a group that would enjoy social deduction, survival, dbd, jackbox games, cards against humanity, etc.
Love potty mouths and dirty humor!
I can raid any time after 5 pm pst M-F and after 10AM on the weekends. Would prefer to end before or around 11pm.
Also being away from the game so long I do not have anything geared and ready. Luckily it takes two days to get to cap now so I should be ready in about a week ish. Additionally I can play just about anything at an average level so if there is a void in your roster I might be able to patch it up.
LMK if you think I would be a good fit for your team!