LF semi casual pve/pvp guild

Greetings, thank you for taking time to read my post. I am currently looking for a semi casual raid guild to transfer to. Horde or Alliance I have no preference. I will be maining ele/enhancement shaman or my feral druid come launch day. With the other as my alt.

I am a long time wow veteran looking for a mature raid, m+, pvp, environment to be a part of.

I’m willing to trial to prove myself or go through an application. When I am off work i put a lot of time in game. But the kicker is I work alternating work schedule. One week I will have Wednesday Thursday off. Then the follow week I will only work Wednesday Thursday 12 hour night shifts. Shot in the dark finding a raid guild. I you have any questions feel free to add or drop a comment. Thank you and Happy adventures!


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Have a happy Friday the 13th! Still looking

Tricky. I’m not sure if our schedule can work, but I’ll add you and see if we can work out a plan? Depending on where you live and your exact work schedule, maybe it can be done? We’ll find out. Here’s our copypasta for now if you’d like to peruse…

Guild Name: Army of Darkness
Faction: Horde
Gaming Style: PvE (Focus on M+ and Heroic Raiding, no plans for mythic currently!)
Raiding Days: Tuesday and Thursday
Raiding Times: 8-11 PM Server Time (6-9 PST, 9-12 EST, 2-5 UTC)
Server: Mal’Ganis

About us:
We’re a laid back group of gamers who’ve been around the WoW scene for awhile. We’ve done Mythic in the past but haven’t got the time to invest in that now as we have full time jobs, families, etc. We still want to do the content though and enjoy ourselves, so that means Heroic raiding and Mythic Plus! We dabble in other content as well, such as Arena/BGs, but this is not a primary focus.

If you want to get into a good group that can be laid back and fun, then we’d be glad to have you. Jump in our discord or send me a friend request and we’ll see if you’d be a good fit!

Discord Server code: bPMT7rF
Contact: Aridhol#4421 on Discord or Aridhol#1811 on Battle.net

Still looking for a possible community

We have a guy who works a similar shift as you as well, with rotating weekends, and we make it work! <3 We all tend to be on in the AM and Evenings EST. I just send you a friend request.

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Hello Thunderwear. I would like the opportunity to talk to you about Sularis.

Sularis is a small casual Alliance guild on Skywall (connected servers: Drak’Thul, Skywall, Silvermoon, Mok’Nathul, and Borean Tundra), that is looking to build our community for heroic raiding in Shadowlands.

Currently we’re compromised of mostly returning players who are killing time until the next expansion. Our main goal is AotC in Shadowlands content.

We’re looking for 1 Off Tank, Druid Heals, and a few ranged dps to join us for M+ and raids. Our raid times have not been set yet as we are still recruiting.

Aside from the raiding aspirations, we help others level/gear up and farm gold and mats. We have no issues teaching new and old players how to do the mechanics of Dungeons and Raids as most of our membership are casual players.

We hope you will consider joining our crew of misfits in our journey to killing bosses, looting epics, and make our core a little bigger.

Please let me know if you are interested via btag or Discord.

Recruiter Info:

Btag: MasterP#11482

Discord: Pep#9057

Never got a friend request :open_mouth:

I resent it. Sometimes Bnet is kind of hokey :slight_smile:

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Hi Thunderwear. Not sure if you’re still looking or not, but I really love the Horde guild I’m a part of on Zul’jin: Pandamonium. We’re a mature guild of laid back adults and bonus, the guild is drama free. If you’re interested in learning more about our guild, please visit our website: https://pandaguild.io/ :slight_smile:

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I resent it. :slight_smile:

Sent you a friend request. Would love to chat :slight_smile:

Added you on bnet. Here is a copy of our posting for SL recruitment. Look forward to speaking with you!

Immortal Rage is recruiting DPS and HEALS to add to our core Mythic prog raiding group for Shadowlands. Raid days:Wed/Thurs, 730pm-1030pm server. We formed in Nya as a group of experienced mythic raiders, and are looking forward to carrying on with raid progression through Mythic on a 2 night schedule.

Current needs:

Frost Mage

Havoc DH

Sub Rogue


Ele Shaman

Resto Shaman

Disc Priest

All other classes/specs are still encouraged to apply.

Join a guild that balances raiding with real life!

Contact us on bnet for more info or to apply.

Kwixxi: Denali#11237
TaiChi: Kian#11655

Dont think i got your add

Hello Larry,

Pillow Fort is a newly formed guild on Ysera that’s looking to find a few more key members who are interested in **Mythic + progression and Heroic/ Mythic Progression for Shadowlands . Right now we are looking for 1 tank and 4 more dps slots. Our raid times are Thursday and Saturday in the evening at 8 ET until 10:30-11:00 PM. If interested please feel free to message me directly in game or on this post and I can provide additional information. Thank you for your consideration!

We mess around on discord and talk a lot of crap to one another, but definitely take raiding and mythic +'s seriously.

Battletag ID: Holyhow#1277

Discord ID: Holy#8854

Hey Thunderwear,

I added you on Battlenet, but including information about our guild here as well. Based on your description, I think we will fit your schedule. Looking forward to chatting with you!

Project Cloverfield (Mal’ganis Server) is expanding with a new daytime Heroic/AOTC raiding group at 11AM Server time / 12PM Eastern Time on Wednesdays. We are currently looking for all roles for players who enjoy raiding, mythic+, PvP, and more.

You can see more information about our guild at our forum post: [H] [Mal'Ganis] <Project Cloverfield> LF Daytime/Morning Raiders for SL (11 AM CST/ST Wed)

Feel free to reach out if you are interested or have any questions!
Battlenet: Noelzy#11138
Discord: Noel#0993

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I appreciate everyone for taking the time to reach out and to consider me for your guild.

Lets have a chat.

Says your friend’s list is full

Hi Thunderwear,

Bruhalla is a progression raiding guild that raids Tues & Thurs 9:30pm-12:30am EST come SL. I do want consistency, but if you are consistent about Tuesdays and every other Thursday that could work.

If the raiding times work okay then check out the recruitment post for more info & contacts: [H][Thrall]Casual Progression raiding guild <Bruhalla> - #3 by Zaraelfork-tanaris

good luck!

p.s. we are horde on thrall

Hi there. Let me know if we fit the bill for you?

Mission Statement: We have a great opportunity here to get in on the ground floor for a new community rebuild. We intend to be primarily raid focused, but at a more working-man/woman’s schedule and focus. We want to welcome with open arms anyone looking for a “Friday night with the guys/gals” type of atmosphere where friends come together for their bi-weekly game nights.

About our Leadership: Our guild is headed by 2 individuals with extensive leadership experience in both daily lives and inside World of Warcraft. We’re ready to make the game a great experience again. No drama is a must!

About our Guild: We strive to bring friendship and integrity to all things we do with one another in the guild; Kinship built through shared love of gaming & having fun with like-minded individuals. We recommend being someone who wants a laid-back atmosphere, looking to build a new, great guild with us.

Schedule: Tues/Fri (8PM-11PM CST)


  • 3 Healers (My preference is folks whom can maintain other healers as well and/or play offspecs. This isn’t a requirement, but would be a welcome sight. Multi-purpose players kill bosses quicker!)

  • Lots of DPS (I’m in the market for a lot of DPS at this point. Please be someone that is open to playing whatever is best for each phase of content. I’m not looking to pester folks to make good comp decisions, so be someone who enjoys doing what’s best for each tier)

If you have any questions, please contact:

GM BNET: Ekye#11711
GM Discord: Ekyu#3966