LF raiding guild casual

Add my battletag BJensen28#1130 would love to talk to you.

<Harmony of Souls> US Turalyon
Alliance | Progression 8/8 N | 8/8H 1/8M
Raid Time: Tuesday & Thursday at 8:00pm -10pm est
Have achieved AOTC on all raids in legion
Recruitment Contact:

We are a laid back close knit family style guild that loves to get together to punch Heroic raids in the face! We also do mythic + keys daily and putting together a team for higher mythic + keys. HoS is a very active guild so you’ll always find something to do no matter your play style.

We have been active as a guild for almost 7 years.

We practice no blame raiding, we win or lose as a team. Very happy to work with folks on improvement but in a constructive way.

More info:

In addition to Raiding on Tue/Thu we also push M+ keys. We are here to have a good time and collect some sweet loot while we do it. There is room for all types of players in our guild. We progress through Heroic content (AoTC every raid), Alt normal runs on saturdays, Mythic + runs daily, and transmog runs. If this looks like a good fit for you Contact us!

We look forward to raiding with you and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact: Tilzan#1716

About US:
is located on Korgath-US. We have 2 raid teams. One runs during the week(Red team) and one on the weekend(Blue team). The week day raid group is currently recruiting to have a solid mythic roster again. We are looking to be top 5 on our server running just 2 nights a week. We are currently a Heroic guild. We got to 1/8 before guild started to lose members. We are a pretty laid back group of individuals. We have just made some changes to our raid leadership.

We expect all our raiders to come with their own flasks and food. We usually supply cauldrons and feasts for the raid group. Dps and Tanks are expected to maintain a 40% average parse for your ilvl. We expect you to be respectful to others in the raid group if you do have an issue bring it up with the officers. Each member must be self motivated to do their own research and use that knowledge towards improvement, attendance and personal accountability. We also expect people to let the officers now if you will be absent.

Who we are looking for:
We are currently looking for members to fill the roster at the moment. All classes will be considered, but priority will be placed on the following classes/Specs:
Demon Hunter
Resto Shaman
Disc priest

Week group(Red Team):
Tuesday and Thursday 8pm-11pm CST(Server time)
Weekend Group(Blue Team):
Saturday and Sunday 2pm-5pm CST(Server time)

Contact Us:
Battle Tag:


Hey Drananos!

I’m Peko from Molten! We are currently 8/8 Heroic and looking for more DPS and Healers to join our roster as we get ready for Battle of Dazar’alor.

We raid Monday and Wednesday from 8:00-11:00 est. We also do a lot of things outside of raiding. Such as PvP and Mythic +.

Please add me or another officer if you are interested!!
Jasth - Jasth#11155
Peko - Brandon#13736
Garm - Crawm#1904

Hello, Our guild does heroic progression and a little mythic once we have heroic on farm. We raid Tuesday and Thursday 9pm - 11pm/12 am. We are going to do some heroic runs in Uldir next week to get ready for the new raid if you’d like to come along and see if we are a good fit. Feel free to message me Punkybrew#11319

I as well work from home :slight_smile:

we are a Heroic Progression guild that raids one day a week (Tues 9pm-12AM)

We also run M+ and PVP all threw out the week , We are a group of like minded adults that enjoy playing the game threw its ups and downs.

you can message me for more info, LuiGG#1992

Hey they Drananos,

We are casual and have loads of fun progressing.
We aim for AOTC each Tier and have done so four Tiers in a row.
A few more DPS would help us out , you can play whatever class you like
and can perform well on. Here is all of our info, (instead of pasting a wall of text here) Thanks for any consideration, Ark

Hi Drananos.

Retaliation raids on Tuesday and Wednesday Nights 8pm ET. We have an alt night of Sundays at 7pm ET. We use Discord for voice communication and go with a work hard play hard mentality. We are a heroic progression guild that has been raiding and PvPing in various games for over 10 years. We enjoy giving each other a hard time while still being successful. We play on the Earthen Ring Server as Alliance.

Please if interested reach out to Isego#1586

Nexus on Turalyon [H] (8/8H) is looking for a few more good people.

We are a guild that’s biggest priority is having fun while killing monsters. We believe that raid progression is important and want to push, but not at the cost of toxicity. We have a good raid group that works well together, but want to add just a few more good people. We want our raiders to have the right attitude to push content, but the ability to have fun at the same time. We are a mature guild, with average age ranging in the 30s-40s. (We have many families, and completely understand real life priorities.) We spend a good amount of time in discord, both type and chat, and have a lot of fun together.

We also spend a lot of time together doing things other than raiding, such as group farming, Keys, achievements, mount runs.

We are looking for someone who wants to have a good time and down content.

Our raid times are Tues/Thurs 8-11pm EST

you can contact me at taransula#1161 or on disc at Bug (ง︡’-'︠)ง#6792

Hope you find the home you are looking for!

Hi Dran. We’re looking for some DPS and if you’re up for the horde side (not sure if all your alts are ally or not), we might be a good fit. Currently, we are H7/8 and AOTC all other x-pacs. Our raid days are Tues->Thurs. If you’re interested in a long standing guild that has been around since the start, please read below.

Hello all. GM of NERVous Horde here. We are one of the oldest, active horde guilds on our server-Bloodhoof. Bloodhoof is an original launch server that even had its original server blade put up for auction. We’ve been around since 2004 and have been raiding since the MC days. We are looking for consistent and talented people to raid during BFA. Our tanks are pretty much set but we are open to DPS and limited heals (DPS with off spec healing is glorious). We have a great history on our server (including #1 progressed horde side guild in MOP) and have been nothing short of a respectful group of people for 14 years. If you are looking for a solid group to raid with, and enjoy the game in the process, visit -nerv-clan.com - use our #guild-apps channel on Discord -discord.gg/pe6DXFw - or message me on Bnet.

Thank you - NapalmDawn#1157

Guild (Team Omen) Area52-US
Faction: Horde
Raid Schedule: fri/sat 830-1130 EST
Needs: All
Contact: Feyranna#1657
Notes: This is a newly forming team, we will start in heroic with the goal of becoming a mythic progression team with a fun atmosphere. Eternal Kingdom is a multi-team multi-faction guild that has successfully launched MANY raid teams! Come join the newest addition to our HORDE!

The Clique is look for new raiders to come join us for the next raid teir. We are looking for mostly Range dps and a healer. But willing to consider all. We raid two nights a week on Tuesday and Sunday from 10:15pm to 1:15am CST. Normal and heroic. We have been around for quite some time so its mostly full of older people with familys and people that have real life things to commit to but still want to enjoy raiding. If your interested or have more questions please feel free to contact me on real id Hadorya#1497.

If you’d consider going horde we might be something for you.

AOTC guild 8/8N 8/8H Uldir guild looking to fill raid roster as we approach BOD.

Our goal is heroic progression, as we look at raiding as an enjoying aspect of the game. Former mythic raiders in a relaxed environment, we push high keys, enjoy other games together daily, as well as raid.

We’re an all adult, social group, on the smaller side, laughing while we progress through wow together and have room for a few more faces to pick up shiney loot with.

We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm-12:30am eastern time.

If we sound interesting to you and you want more information

Btag: Sataraa#1236

Discord: Sataraa#6900

What is Cudas

Cudas – Zul’jin is a newly formed guild ran by very experienced raid leaders that have been raiding as early as Vanilla. We are a raid and mythic+ focused guild looking for players to fill our ranks. We’re an adult guild trying to be social and fun but keep progression in mind.

What can you expect from us?

–Professional yet social progression raids

–Relaxed raiding atmosphere

–Friendly family-oriented players

–Mythic+ gear runs

–Always willing to help gear to fill out our raid team.

What we expect from you?

Applying to Cudas, first and foremost means that you embrace and share our passion for progress raiding and also:

–Knowledge of your class and the game

–Knowledge of the specific bosses we are facing. (tactics and mechanics for your spec)

–Preparation of your toon, ex. Enchants, gemmed, potions

–We will help with feast and flasks
–Activity, in order to progress we need a stable group of raiders that are willing to put time to progress

–And most of all, a positive friendly attitude!

What are our raiding times?

These times are Eastern Standard time so please keep that in mind. We also expect players to be on at 8:15pm for inv and then you can go afk until raid time at 8:30pm.

–Wednesday 8:30pm – 11:00pm

–Sunday 8:30pm – 11:00pm

Are you interested in joining?

Contact Bonebraker#11410. Thiserus#1932

Guild Name: Hogwart’s
Faction: Horde
Realm (US/EU): US
Realm Type: Mal’Ganis
Realm Timezone: Central
Progression: 8/8 H 2/8 M
Raid Times: 8:30 pm-11:30 pm
Raid Schedule: Saturday-Sunday
Chat Service used: Discord
Tanks: 1
Healers: 3
DPS: several

Hogwarts goals are to maintain a solid raiding team consisting of 15-25. We are currently trying to rebuild our weekend team due to losses during holiday break and RL issues with some players. Trial and Core positions are open. This is a Core/Semi casual team that raids weekends. Attendance Rate should not drop below 80% however we do realize life issues come about unexpectedly. Please Feel free to contact the following members of Hogwarts with any questions concerns or if you would like to give us a go.
Raid Leader:
Btag is Static#11199
Discord is xvStatic#7232
Raid Officer:
Btag is Soldier4life#11814

We welcome you to contact us and speak further about what you would like to do raid wise for this upcoming content feel free to message either of us

Hi there :smiley: My Guild on bleeding hollow is small, but we are a very fun group of individuals looking for raiders to progress with us through the next raid. We are very friendly and will help out with anything u need. We run on alts, mog/mount farm, pvp, run mythics, etc. We try to do as much as we can as a guild. I am the GM and would love to speak with you. If you are interested, feel free to add me on bnet GliderGirl90#1793 I would definitely like to discuss some stuff with you

Hello, there! I’m the GM for Subject to Change, a horde guild on Turalyon.

I don’t think you mentioned if you’re up for a faction change. We’re a social-everything guild - we love to run content together and it’s a very chill group of adults. We have players of all skill levels, we do Normal and Heroic raiding, and we love to run keystones.

I’ve included my guild ad below so you can see what we’re all about. Raid-wise, we’re most in need of dps! DPS with a tank or heals offspec is always welcome. For running keys, we could use any role, really.

Thank you for your time!

Tired of the mythic grind? Mythic Vectis got you down? One too many fatal strains have you considering canceling your subscription? Still want to raid and run keys successfully but have it be enjoyable?

We are Subject to Change , and we prefer WoW to be our island getaway rather than the cause of a major heart attack. Our roster contains everyone from retired mythic raiders to keystone junkies, from returning veterans to complete newbies, and we’re looking for more! If you’re looking to decompress and dial down the intensity, get back in the fold or simply need a place to grow, we’d love to have you.

Remember, everything in life is subject to change, but WoW should always be fun.

Raids – Wed/Sun 8-10 EST
Keystones – All day, every day

Contact: Stormy#1692 (btag), Stormy#9150 (discord)

I think Fables-Antonidas would be a good fit for you. We’re a late night raiding guild and have all the juicy details here on my forum posting:


We’re currently looking for dps, we stay at the top of the server while keeping a casual and fun atmosphere with a lot of good people who like to have a good time and enjoy the game.

Feel free to message me!
Discord: Trikxty#1192
Battlenet: Trikxty#1981

Savage Factory is a raiding guild on the Turalyon Server. The Cookie Factory raid team runs Sunday/Monday 9pm-12 EST. We have finished every tier with AotC and are looking to become a more established Mythic team. We also have a casual Normal/Heroic group that runs on Wed/Fri. The group is composed of alts from the main group, raiders aspiring to join the mythic team and casual players looking just to achieve AotC every tier. We are a laid back guild of friendly players, both raiders and non-raiders. Our guildmates range in variety and we strive to make everyone feel welcome.

About the Raid Team:

Cookie Factory
Raid Times:
Sun/Mon 9pm-12 EST
Progression: 8/8H 2/8M

What we’re looking for:
(Note that while these are preferred classes, we are open to all dps and healers.)

Resto Druid
Resto Shaman

Range DPS:
Shadow Priest

Death Knight

Voice Chat: Discord (You do not need to have a mic but must be able to listen)
Addons: DBM, Exorsus Raid Tools and Personal Loot Helper

If you have any further questions or are interested in joining us, feel free to contact me in game:
BT for Lissiandra(Raid Leader) – Lissi#11627
Lissi#8501 for Discord

Hey there! I’m from [A] Exec Dec US-Sargeras (8/8H 2/8M) and we are recruiting for next tier! Our main raids are Tu/Th 8-12EST. Alt raids are Fri/Sat 9-12EST. We are a 14+ y.o. guild with a great/active/friendly community. We want folks who will log on for more than just raids so we set up Mythic+ nights, old content, mount runs, scavenger hunts, naked gnome races (with prizes!), etc. Outside of the game a lot of our players enjoy and play other blizzard titles as well as other platforms together. Pst for more info or add Pessimist#1659! I’d be glad to chat with you and see if we’d be a good fit for each other!