Hey all! I’ve recently started playing again after about a 2 month hiatus. I was primarily a casual pvper with irl friends who no longer play. I’m looking to experience another side of the game I’ve never really invested time into. If any guilds are recruiting, and wouldn’t mind taking in a noob pve’r please add me on bnet jaybaum#1511. I have a holy priest, or warlock i’d like to play.
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Hey Byzz! I run a Normal raid team that is designed to help new and returning players get the hang of raid content and prepare for Heroic. They run every Sunday at 6pm PT alternating between Horde and Alliance every other weekend. I’ll shoot you a friend request on B.Net when I get home, but if you want to talk sooner you can message me on Discord at Ochyro#4197. You are welcome to just drop by and hang out with us before committing to a team.