Hello there,
I am looking for a new home hat harbors like minded individuals.
I have been actively raiding since BFA came out and raided a little bit here and there
Got Uldir, BoD and EP AOTC and did a bunch mythic raiding as well.
I had to leave my first guild as they changed raiding times and I could no longer be on at that time. Same happened again with my EP guild.
So, long story short, I am looking for an Alliance guild that raids from either 8-11pm pacific or 10pm-1am central. Im currently on Proudmoore, but would happily server transfer.
Im 36, played WoW since vanilla (yes took a short hiatus to classic, ha) and am online mostly after 10pm central.
Doesnt have to be a hardcore raiding guild, I prefer casual laid back atmosphere.
Doing a lot of M+ of course as well.
My Feral is an Alt, so I am just now gearing him up. Currently Ivl 414 or so.
Please /w me under Ciadric#1682