All RL friends are all east coasters so I (west coaster) rolled Herod to level up with them. However, my schedule only permits getting on in the evenings around 10:30 EST after many guilds start raids.
I’m planning on rolling Mage and seeking a late night raiding guild on Herod starting around 11 est. Experienced in raiding from Vanilla through BC. Any guilds out there?
Hey Ikthumphuger! If y’all aren’t set on going alliance our times may work for you. We have 2 teams to cater to both PST and EST. Join our discord or add me if you have any questions. Hope to hear from you soon!
Discord: Boognish#9183
If you decide the Herod madness isn’t for you and your friends, we are on Whitemane. All of our information is there. Join the discord if you are interested. Hope to see you there.
wow.classicraids(dot)com/guilds/173/Deja-Vu replace the (dot) with a .