Hi there,
We’re a small friend group of ex mythic raiders looking for somewhere to call home.
Raid Days for us are Sun, Mon, Tuesday Evenings due to work. OR Any night for a late night (11pm Server+ team).
Who we are:
210 Resto Druid (or Unholy DK) - Naproxen (DK: Kemii) currently 6/10 Heroic. Mythic raider from BFA (7/12 Nya), WOD (11/13 HFC), MOP (11/14 SOO).
210 Holy/Ret/Prot Paladin - Ashlen, currently 6/10 HC. Cutting Edge for Argus (Legion), Xavius (Legion).
212 Fire Mage - Chenm, currently 6/10 HC.