LF Guild. Returning player

Hi Folks.

Tried posting this in the general guild recruitment channel but that seemed to have been changed as it wont let me post. Anywho.

I’m coming back after a couple month haitus. Whenever Nazjatar came out.

I’m looking for a guild as a home. Raiding Casual/M+ Whatever I feel is a good fit.

Little info; Used to be a hardcore player. Working afternoons makes finding a raid group difficult. Can play any class any faction. (If I have to server transfer ill just use my 120 boost on something the group needs).

If anyone has questions or wants to chat. Feel free to message me on here. Bnet. Heavenswill#1400. Or Discord Amadorex#0870.

Thank you all and have a great day.

Hello Click.

If you need a home, or a place holder until you find one feel free to look at us, Annunaki.
We are a small AotC guild that also takes in social//casual players.
I’ll include a link below with more in depth info and also a link to our discord server (if it doesnt work let me know!).


Or feel free to add me on btag: eternalinfer#1281
Discord: Aureil#6653

Are you looking for Heroic Raiding and mid-teen keys? We run on Sun/Wed 10pm - 12:30am. The guild name is Dad Bod on Turalyon, will shoot you a message on disc as well. @Kentorus#0661