As the title states, this collection of online pixels is looking for a guild, that is keen to build something going forward into 9.1 and beyond.
I like to learn and grown as a group, and joining a team that is already clearing heroic just doesn’t feel right, but as always, I never say no!
Small, new, rebuilding, all of this sort of thing suits me!
Would love to take on a recruiting role, social officer role, or something similar. Have GM’d successful raid guilds, and helped as officers in others.
All the purples and oranges in the world can not make up for a great social experience.
This might be my last ditched effort before I head of to RP on Moonguard, please don’t let that happen!
Add me on bnet (Cornellious#1289) or drop your guild ad below and I will take a look.
Open to any server, faction or region ( I work odd hours, so US realms are all good) Friendship knows no limits.
May you all find happiness and peace in Azeroth. And just remember, Smooth seas never made a skilled sailor.