I am looking for a guild for TBC. I am looking for a 2-3 day a week guild during the week. My ideal times are 10pm-1am EST, but times are not set in stone for me. Currently I am leaning toward Holy priest or maybe Resto druid. Faction doesnt matter to me.
Who we are: |[H]| Herod Server| TBC Classic |Guild: Chaos|
< Chaos > is a newly formed guild comprised of a mix of returning TBC veterans, Classic Raiders, Mythic raiders and Arena players. We are all excited to be enjoying TBC again! We are a Semi-Hardcore / Casual guild that will do PvE progression and will be clearing all of the content while having a good time. We are looking for more like minded players to round out our core heading into TBC Classic. We will also have a strong PvP culture for those of you more interested in Arenas & BG’s, and will be recruiting Socials for those of you who don’t necessarily have the time/need to be a Raider but would like to fill in raids or PvP teams as needed. This is a great time for those who are worried about not having a guaranteed raid spot in your current guild and are looking for a home where you will. Also, for any returning TBC players without a guild this could be a great place for you! Pst for more info!
Raid Schedule: Tuesday 8:00p-11:00p EST Wednesday 8:00p-11:00p EST
Raid Expectations:
All raiders should come prepared for each raid, including encounter knowledge and required consumables, and items. Professions are not required to min/max but players should be trying to get BIS gear to assist raid progress. Example: Cloth DPS should be tailoring as that crafting gear is extremely strong.
Talking and having fun is welcome during trash pulls and having fun with farm content. Communication should be clear for new content and boss pulls. We encourage all guild members to play with each other in and out of raid to promote a positive environment for all to enjoy.
PVP Expectations:
Players who want to PVP should use the guild as a resource to help find new and old players to make arena teams, enjoy the game, and push ratings to the best of their abilities. PVE player’s should be capping each week to get BIS items such as weapons.
Chaos will be using loot council. This will take into account BIS needs, players who pass gear to others, attendance, and attitude. We will be using an addon called: RCLootCouncil. This speeds up the LC process and is transparent for members.
High priority or high demand items will be decided by loot council discussion. These are most likely to go to players who plan to stay with the guild for the long-term.
Hunter: Low
Warlock: Low
Shaman: Medium (1 Resto, 1 Ele, 1 Enhance needed)
Priest: Open (Shadow, Healing, Divine Spirit Priest)
Paladin: Open (Prot, Holy, Ret with OS prot for Kara)
Druid: Open (1 Boomy, 1 Resto druid, 1 Feral Tank)
Warrior: Low (1 arms warrior with OS Prot for Kara.)
Mage - Closed
Rogue - Closed
- For Hybrid classes. Not required but encouraged to Dual spec for 10 man runs to help rotate and get all players the gear they need and have the correct roster and number of players.
- Alts can also be considered for this as we go forward as long as they are at MIN pre BIS and/or have other minimum raid requirements.
Note: T4 will be a bit more flexible for the start of the expansion due to number of 10 mans vs 25 mans. We will have raid sign ups to help make this easier on raiders. Going toward the end of T4 and into T5+ we will solidify a consistent 25 man core.
Leadership Opportunities:
Guild leadership has experience in Retail and Classic with guild management and raid leading. With depth of knowledge of the game.
(2 Officer positions are open at this time. Feel free to ask about opportunities within the guild. Some class officer opportunities may be available for classes/specs that are more stacked such as hunter and warlock. Example: Hunter class lead would be assisting with setting up misdirection pulls.
If interested in more information please inquire in discord
Hey there! I’m going to leave our guild info below but would love to have you if you’d consider us!
We are Grumps
We are a late-night semi hardcore raiding guild located on the mankrik server, horde side. Our goal is to clear content on a casual schedule while being as competent as possible to achieve full clears within that time frame. We were created by three friends who met during the start of Classic WoW and have raided together ever since; however, due to our schedules and real life commitments, we decided to start our own guild in hopes to achieve what is needed on a more casual basis. We are looking for more like-minded individuals who want to raid together to achieve goals going forward.
Loot Distribution: DKP
Raid Days and Times: Friday & Saturday 10pm EST - 1am EST
Major recruiting needs: Currently open recruitment
Maintain at least a 75% attendance record going forward for raids
Be able to be on discord and have a working mic
Know the ins and outs of your class and be willing to take any effective criticism
Come prepared to each and every raid night. This includes flasks and consumables.
Respect each guild member
Raid Leader and Recruitment Officer
battlenet: itakenaps#11425
mankrik name: Reesespuffs
discord: itakenaps#1438
Guild Master
discord: mantas#4350
Hello Classic (or soon to be) players! Laser Lettuce on Mankrik is a newly formed TBC Raiding guild currently focused on building a strong 25 man raid roster for TBC content! We are a semi-hardcore guild with certain requirements to raiding however we take a lighthearted approach to raids and want everyone to have an enjoyable experience as a group. The core group of us have been together for a few years and play multiples games together and we would love to have more members join the guild and be a part of the community during the Burning Crusade.
We are currently in need of most classes and roles, any level is fine. Experience not necessary but you must have a willingness to learn and drive to improve. Fresh boosted characters are welcome as well but I ask that you at least join the discord and stay active for updates on the guild. Please be patient as we fill our roster with players, we are a new guild so do not expect any miracle raiding any time soon.
Class Availability is as follows:
Priest - All
Paladin - Holy & Ret
Druid - Resto & Feral
Shaman - Enh & Ele
Hunter - Low
Warlock - All
Mage - Low
Rogue - Low
Warrior - Arms & Prot
We are mostly EST players and our raid times will be Tuesday and Wednesday 9:00pm - 12:00am with an optional Thursday raid for cleanup/alts/guild events
Reply on this post or add me on Battlenet or discord and we can have a chat!
Battle Net : scootZ#12320
Discord: scootZ#0282
[H] - Ashkandi - The Lotus Society
TLS is a brand-new progression orientated guild on Ashkandi that is currently recruiting for TBC raiding!
Raid Team 1: 2x Resto Shamans / 1x Holy Priest / 1x Resto Druid
Raid Team 2: Accepting all roles!
Raid Schedule: Team 1 - T/T 8-11:30pm | Team 2 - TBD (F/Sat/Sun Evenings)
Have a team running Kara 1-2 weeks after TBC launch.
Players come to raids ready with consumes and knowledge on the fights.
Most importantly, have good vibes. We want to clear content, but WoW is a game and games are meant to be fun.
Contact me through Discord for more information: MattyT#1201
Hey there Liej,
Our times are little sooner than what you’re looking for, but if you can bend a bit on that we may be a good fit. We are also in high demand for a resto druid on our “to-be” TBC roster. Obligatory copy pasta incoming!
Undrafted [H] [Kromcrush]
About Us:
We are a guild looking to grow our ranks moving into the upcoming expansion release. We will primarily focus on raiding with some pvp thrown in here and there. Our plan is to clear raid content in a timely fashion without enforcing hardcore rules and extended raid times. Leadership has experience clearing all retail vanilla & TBC raid content. We’ve done things the hardcore way, and we’re ready to take a step back and enjoy the game in a more casual way.
What we are:
- We are a group of people that believe raid content can be cleared in an efficient, fun manner without min-maxing
- We are open to all classes and all specs and we don’t believe in following any cookie-cutter formats in order to shave 10 minutes off of a raid time. If the raid is clearing content in a semi-clean way, it’s a success
- We emphasize that the game is meant to be enjoyed both inside and outside of raiding. We don’t want everyone only looking forward to one or two raids per week and spending the rest of their time preparing for it.
- Drama-free when it comes to loot. With the exception of tanks, we don’t assign gear to people but rather resort back to a more traditional system allowing people to roll on gear they want.
What we are not:
- We are not a speed running guild. We do not have any intentions of going for server firsts or forcing everyone to play a class opposite of what they enjoy playing to progress the raid.
- We don’t force consumables or any specific professions. You play your class the way you want to play it, and we will clear content regardless.
Current Class Desires:
Druid - all specs: HIGH
Paladin (Holy): HIGH
Warlock: HIGH
Hunter: HIGH
Priest (Shadow): HIGH
Mage: HIGH
Shaman (all specs): HIGH
*if you aren’t listed here, PLEASE still reach out. This is just a wish list.
Loot Distribution: +1 loot rules with a few exceptions TBD at a later date.
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday: 8:00-10:30PM EST
Thursday: 8:00-10:30PM EST
If you’re interested in joining us and want to learn more, contact any of the people below.
Arcanoss - Discord: Jbones#2721
Knark - Discord: Knark#9530
Zafdizzle - Discord: zaf#2727
I sent out some bnet invites to a few of you, and can’t wait to speak to you guys. Bump for more options.
Bump for more offers and preferably later raid times
If you are going alliance come check out our guild!
[Alliance] | US-PvP | Semi-Hardcore| Realm- TBD
is a Semi-Hardcore Alliance guild looking for friendly and competent players for Classic WoW TBC. We are a fresh guild starting a new for TBC classic. Just because we are fresh does not mean we lack experience. Our leadership has experience ranging from world competitive Classic WoW speed and progression, TBC private server, retail WoW CE and more!
Our goal is to raid and clear content efficiently while promoting a healthy and friendly community.
Raid Info:
Server realm: TBD
Raid Time: Sunday/Monday | 7-10 pm PST
Loot Distribution System: Onslaught loot system and/or Loot Council (undecided at this moment)
Expectations/What Semi-Hardcore means to us:
Efficiently clear raid content within the raid time (we will not be speed running or chasing for server firsts)
Being on time and ready to pull at raid start time. (If emergency or issues occur, we understand that and there will be no penalties)
Have at least one PvE focused profession
Be open to feedback
Maintain positive attitude, maturity and overall, just having fun! (it’s a game).
Open: All
Contact me on this reddit account or through discord (username Voidim#1148)
or also join our discord server at: discord.gg/8wNGxQXQ
Hey Liej,
Would be interested in chatting with you if you’re still searching. I’ll leave my guild information below - feel free to reach out!
Raid times:
Monday 8pm - 11pm EST / 5pm - 8pm PST
Thursday 8pm - 11pm EST / 5pm - 8pm PST
About Us:
Our officer core is made up of veteran guild leaders, most of whom cleared all Classic content and have continued to play throughout the long lifespan of retail. We loved the Classic experience and can’t wait to see all the TBC content again, from Hellfire to Sunwell!
We think what makes this game so fun is the type of camaraderie it naturally cultivates in a guild. We are very excited to have an active roster of players who are helping each other out with leveling, dungeons, attunements, rep grinds, alts, and pvping as well. Aligned is a place for everyone. Our culture is built on a strong foundation of cooperation and fun with your guildmates. We’re not hardcore, though we have a hardcore contingent. While we will have a raid core that focuses on clearing content quickly and efficiently, we will have a much larger roster outside of this core that engages with content at a pace they see fit and we welcome anyone looking to build great relationships and friendships to join us.
Approach to Raiding:
Like you, we have busy lives so we will be adhering to a 2 night raiding schedule, with the aim of reducing that number whenever possible. Despite the relaxed approach, we still expect our raiders to come prepared and perform well to ensure we’re clearly content efficiently and enjoyably. We’ve had no trouble clearing content on this schedule and expect that to continue in TBC.
Pagle - PvE (Subject to change)
What we’re looking for:
Ranged Dps: Warlocks / Hunters / Elemental Shaman
Healers: Resto Shaman / Holy Priest / Holy Paladin
Feral Druid (DPS / Off-tank)
Retribution Paladin
Contact Us:
We know you may have questions and we’d enjoy getting to know you, even if you decide not to join our guild. Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions here or on discord:
Marraxus#0125 (recruitment)
Dessixx#1985 (administration)
Vanzanis#1610 (GM)
Hey Liej,
You already have a lot of guilds interested I see. If your looking for a guild that is more about community than anything else. Just a bunch of good people. Plus people who are skilled and enjoy progression. We are looking for more and would welcome you. If you have already made a decision then Good luck I wish you well. If not take a look at our spam… If it sounds good come by discord and apply
Hi! I noticed your post and think you’ll be a great fit for us. Here’s some quick information, and if you have any questions/comments, feel free to message me on discord at Zayeli#9874.
Guild: Downfall {US | Horde | PvP | Sulfuras | EST}
Progression: Fresh for TBC
Raid Times: Friday & Saturday Nights - 9:00pm - 12:00am EST
Information: is a TBC-focused guild that will be a social leveling guild until TBC release, and then we will transition to a more endgame focus. Our goal is to be a relaxed raiding guild that focuses on providing a fun, engaging atmosphere that competitively kills bosses as a team, while having fun grouping up for dungeons, raids and PvP. Our leadership consists of extremely experienced Vanilla veterans including World Top 10 for TBC raids, cutting-edge mythic raiders, and former multi-season gladiators.
Level 70 hunter looking for a raiding guild that has times of friday-sunday at any time or during the days of monday-thursday. I am almost all pre-bis with some bis gear from kara. I am on alliance side on fearlina and I am willing to server transfer.
Hey Liej, we would be interested in either a holy priest or a resto druid.
Agni is 11/11 Kara, 2/2 Gruul’s and 1/1 Magtheridon’s. We’re a mid-core/semi-hardcore Alliance guild located on the Atiesh realm. We raid Tues/Thurs 7:30-10:30 pst. Would love to talk to you. Hit us up on discord.
RATTLEGORE HORDE if you are looking for a guild to join is looking to fill core kara postions and if you looking to lvl up this is the place message rollox or soulfrost for a ginvite!