LF Guild for Classic

Hi, Looking for a guild to level up and Raid/PVP in classic.

I’ve been playing since Vanilla and would like to play with a decent guild (semi-Hardcore) with the goal to down current content (phase content) for Classic :slight_smile:

I’ve been raiding since end of TBC/ start of WoTLK and never stopped,since WoD I’ve been going for AoTC and some Mythic kill before next content^^

I’ve also played on Nos a Priest, Pally, Warlock and Mage , thus why I don’t mind playing those classes.

Raid time availability are : Tues/Wed/Thurs between 7-10:30 pm EST
Class willing to play : Mage, Warlock, Priest, Paladin, Shaman, Rogue depending on what class the guild need.

I don’t mind using Loot Council, I don’t mind sitting on certain fight because my class do less dps/Healing than other class as long as there’s no BiS gear from that boss for me.

If you have any question leave your Btag and I’ll add you up or pst your Guild info and plans for Classic.

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day :slight_smile:

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I may have the perfect home for you. Here’s my discord Excentric#0131 or Btag Excentric#1290 send me a message and lets talk I’ll send you all my info about the guild.

I hope Classic gets its own forums once the realms names are released with a Guild sub forums per server like in the Vanilla days.

Check us out, not actively recruiting but we are not turning anyone away. Unlike most of the guilds in the forums, the Malicious Moogles are a fully functioning guild, no hoping or praying. We are ready for launch. Everything is done, we are just waiting for launch.

If you plan on going Horde I would check this group out.

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