LF Guild — Tich [Horde] — Returning Semi-Casual Player

Hey, played the game since beta off and on. Have three young kids and work from home full time. I play some around the lunch hour and play most nights throughout the week for a few hours.

I’ve recently got back into the game and have been clearing LFR on my ww monk, havoc dh, and destro/demo lock. Feel pretty understanding of the fights in general.

Something I have never done but would like to is M+ dungeons. I also like to do bg’s and use to do arena which I’d also like to get back into.

I’m pretty chill, but also more on the serious side personality wise, and would like to think I am a caring person generally speaking.

In all transparency, I have usually flown solo in this game because the guilds I have tried to get into typically have some level of drama or too many self-centered people that I just lose interest in the social dynamics of the guild.

I like to play with people that want to see the team win and enjoy a community culture where everyone likes to see others succeed; something I would enjoy contributing to.

If I sound like someone you’d like to have join your guild, please let me know.

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Hi there! You sound like you would fit right in with our guild, though we are on kel’thuzad. We just started doing M+ for the first time, so we are all learning together. Here is my forum post for my guild if you would like to take a look.

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Greetings Balblair!

Welcome back! FYI Guilds can now be cross faction. We are even letting some hordies in… for a nominal fee… :wink:

Check us out:

WARCRAFT is a highly active, raiding guild on the merged realms of Khadgar/Alleria/Exodar/Medivh, and we are recruiting!

AOTC focused Guild established in March of 2015. We have nearly every AOTC since Highmaul and usually dip our toes into mythic.

Core spots available. We are looking for reliable players to push progression and end game content.

The raid schedule:
Tuesday 8:30p-11:30p EST
Thursday 8:30p-11:30p EST

Current progression:
9/9 N
7/9 H

You are expected to be on time with flasks, pots, enchants, gems, and smiles. If you need something, just ask! We are a TEAMWORK-oriented guild.

The atmosphere:

We offer a highly active, social, teamwork oriented, adult environment. We believe in player development, including gearing and training players without elitism or cliques. We do not have any ilvl requirements to join our guild. Gear can be easily obtained, but good people are priceless. :slight_smile:

“Special snowflake” accommodations, safe spaces, and “preferred pronouns” not available. Must understand the difference between helping and having control issues. If ex-military leadership causes triggers or meltdowns, this is probably not the guild for you.

Guild Discord server available for your voice chatting needs.

Contact information:
Zoobee-Khadgar (First Officer) (zoobee#1855)
zoobee27 (zoobee#8147)

Hi there, Balblair,

There is no point in playing WoW if you don’t enjoy it! That is the core principle behind Luxgarde’s organization, in-game goals, and scheduling. We put the person before the player, always. We meet new members where they are, whether they are LFR or Mythic raiders, and support them in improving, growing, and finding a home with Luxgarde.

Please feel free to read through our wall of text and contact me via Discord (@original_luxa) if we sound like a good fit!


Wall of Text:

Luxgarde is a new, raid-focused guild which aims to foster a genuine camaraderie within our membership. Our leadership is experienced and effective, with years of community building under their belts in Destiny 2, Project Zomboid, and, in earlier expansions, World of Warcraft.

Luxgarde is located on the Exodar / Alleria / Medivh / Khadgar realm cluster. While players on these realms are especially encouraged to apply, we are currently welcoming any and all to our raid team. With cross-faction guilds already here and cross-realm guilds coming in The War Within, raiders who join now can choose to transfer, or to remain on their home realm.


  • Fridays @ 10 PM Eastern Time: Progression Raiding
  • Saturdays @ 9 PM Eastern Time: Progression or Timewalking Raiding


  • AOTC
  • Glory raid achievements
  • 3/X Mythic


  • English fluency
  • Positivity, kindness, and patience
  • A drive to improve as a World of Warcraft PvE player
  • Ability to commit to scheduled guild raid times and willingess to provide advance notice of absences whenever reasonable and possible
  • Fun-focused attitude

NOT Requirements

  • Heroic raid experience (Normal or LFR experience is preferred but not required)
  • High parses
  • Numbers-focused attitude
  • More than 5 hours of commitment per week

Raid-focused groups are a dime a dozen nowadays, and frankly, it’s not very difficult to find a group of players to raid with. However, Luxgarde offers some perks that set us apart:

  • Our officers will provide you with detailed, personalized rotation analysis. We will find key differences between your technique and the technique of high-performing players from around the world, and support you in making adjustments as needed. This is a constructive process, not a confrontational or adversarial process.
  • We run all timewalking raids. Think Heroic progression can get boring? You’re not wrong! Whenever Firelands, Ulduar, or Black Temple Timewalking is available, we run them as a guild! This provides great variety!
  • Our officers are highly confident in teaching raid mechanics to newcomers. It’s okay if you don’t know which circles to soak; we’ll teach you!
  • Highly organized Discord making it easy to find what you want, when you want.

Please note: Luxgarde rejects any and all behavior that demeans others on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or socioeconomic status. Additionally, we welcome banter but reject bullying, regardless of the seniority or skill of involved parties. Our guild maintains a zero-tolerance policy against the use of slurs, hateful language, or language or behavior which violates the principles outlined here.

Come chat with us at discord.gg/Q8Hpx9hjfQ or message original_luxa on Discord.

Hiya Balblair!

I think you would fit with our guild! I will leave guild spam for you to look at and you can reach out to me if you have questions!

Tattered Remains
Area 52

Want a permanent raid spot?
Looking for a laid back guild?
Need assistance with leveling, gearing or class/spec questions? Or maybe just somewhere to hang and chat?

Tattered Remains is accepting all levels, Classes and Specs!

About Our Guild:
We are a small guild (returning, been back full swing for 3 months) working towards building for the new expansion.

We are an adult only guild (If you are easily offended, we may not be the guild for you)

We are currently running Myhtic+
Normal 9/9 (alt & new mbr gearing)
Heroic Raiding 7/9 (currently pugging into groups) Working towards Mythic Raiding.

What We Are looking for:
• Not easily offended
• Socializing
• Patient with new members and rebuilding guild (If you choose you can assist as well)
• Communication
• Willing to learn and participate (even teach/guide)
• Available for raid (life happens so give notice unless extreme emergency)
• Mythic+ not mando. But recommended if you want to get into Mythic Raiding.

We would like to get back to the glory days of smashing content and climbing charts. Having guild events, farming mounts, PvP, and working on achievements.

What we are NOT looking for:

• Players who want a social guild, but do not socialize
• Player who want to run content or events, but ignores request to join and complain later if not invited
• Players that expect full 100% attention of all officers and GM and for us to hold your hand 100% of the time
• Players that consistently request higher ranking in guild (ranking is earned, this includes raid lead)
• Players that request ingame items or gold on a consistent bases

Tanks: OPEN
Heals: OPEN
Melee: OPEN (Excluding Pali)
Ranged: OPEN

Raid Days & Times
10 Pm Est (Server) 7 Pm Pst Start time.
(Discussion on time adjustment)
1 Am Est (Server) 10 Pm Pst Stop time.
(Discussion on time adjustment)
(Or longer dependent on everyones spirits)

Daily if you choose to join.

If you have any questions please reach out to me at:
Bnet: Splicer6#1113
Disc: Splicer666

Hey Balblair! We are Dumpster Fire and we are a new AOTC focused guild. We have currently achieved our goal and are still looking to grow our team!

We are a small, relaxed group of people who enjoy playing together and like to create an atmosphere of being chill when we can be, but also taking raid a little more seriously. Because, ya know, we all want to progress, right? That’s why we like AOTC guilds!

We currently raid Tuesdays/Fridays at 8pm to 10:30pm CST. Everyone has life outside of the game, so we like to get in and get out at a decent time while doing meaningful progress with a group we actually enjoy playing with.

We are currently looking for a consistent Mage, Shadow Priest, and Warlock to join our group, but anyone interested is welcome to join as well! We also do keys and transmog/mount farming nights.

If you’re interested, please comment down below or reach out to me (Auxen#1977 on BNet or Auxen on Discord) and I would be happy to just chat with ya and see if we may be a good fit together!