Hey. Looking for a guild that has a great community. I will be leveling most likely and want to raid. I’m very flexible in terms of what class I can play. Good to play horde or ally and would just prefer est time zone.
Having close relationships is what makes a mmo great so I don’t want guilds that just invite and don’t chat or actively help their member feel welcome.
I’m very active and look forward to meeting some like minded individuals
Added you, Am building a team (almost complete) and raid philosophy is one of my golden points amongst my guild. We have 3 teams going into TBC so far, let’s chat about stuff n’ stuff ^^
Agree 100% a good guild make the entire experience. We are working on building a community not just a raid team. Take a look and if this sounds good come apply. My info is in the post so wsp me if you have any questions.