hey all. I’m looking for a weeknight raid guild to get back into the swing of things with wotlk. I’m currently leveling a death knight who im trying to tank on but would not mind dpsing. i also have an 80 elemental shaman whos semi naxx geared. ive cleared naxx 10 multiple times then went back to dragonflight. id be willing to go resto on my shaman too but i would need help getting some gear for it as i have a lot of hit gear. im looking for a guild who raids Monday Wednesday or Thursday from 8:30-11pm est. currently im on pagle but id be willing to transfer for the right raid times/nights. if interested you can message me on real id Brum10465#1180
We arent on Pagle but… We are looking for a few more dps! We raid Tues/Thurs 8-11pm you can read more about us here. Mankrik - [Grievance] Recruiting DPS for their 25 man team!
Hello Briskchill!
I represent the Classic WoW branch of Severity Gaming, a Multi-Title Online Gaming Community founded in 2010. We currently run a single One Night Progression Focused Raid Team every Saturday from EST: 8pm-12m, CST: 7p-11p, MST: 6p-10p, PST: 5p-9p.
Our ideal member is someone that:
- Exhibits a strong community focused mentality.
- Is a genuine individual that we can mutually invest our time in and with.
- Plays the game well and/or has high potential and a willingness to learn and work at it.
Current Progression:
- Phase 2: 13/14 10M, 11/14 25M
- Phase 1: 17/17 10M, 17/17 25M
Direct Contact Info
- Discord: www(dot)discord(dot)gg/severitygaming
- Shadryx (GM): Shadryx#3172 (Discord), Shadrix#1154 (Battle.net)
- Oprahwindfury: Oprah/Trollportals#1557 (Discord), Pixelgasm#1202 (Battle.net)
- Vindiplate: RepressedZebra#2745 (Discord), KuZebra#1185 (Battle.net)