LF Casual, Friendly Guild

Hi there,

Currently in the market for a guild. Just looking for somewhere mature to hang out and hopefully make some new WoW friends.

I unfortunately don’t have much time for raiding these days, especially during the week, but I’ve been told I’m a decent healer so if my schedule allows it I’d be happy to help fill in from time to time if needed. I mostly just enjoy dungeons, mount/rep farming, leveling, and possibly PvP with the right people, haha.

Feel free to contact me here or in game (AVice#1567).


Hey, sent you a friend request in game to chat about this :slight_smile:

Tis but a Scratch is a 3/9M 7-10cst tue/thur (7-10cst sat/mon alt raid) guild always looking to deepen our team. We rotate people on the bench in when we are able to since we try to combine community and progression.
We have plenty of adult players that just like being part of the community.
If that interests you please reach me at btag Dwhaviel#2478