I just returned to WoW about a month ago after a 6 year break, give or take. I don’t even remember what guild I was previously in. I currently have 1 level 60, an ilvl 219 resto/ele shaman, currently Horde on Bleeding Hollow.
I found a decent guild there, where 40+ people were on at once and people were always looking to do stuff (for 2021, was actually ranked most active on server, 5th most active in US and 12th in the whole world). However, got kicked for no apparent reason with no info given, and no luck getting back in. I’ve found other large guilds but they tend to be about as lively as an undead funeral… either 600 people in the guild but 500 were last on over 6 months ago, or they have many on at once but no communication and no guild activities.
I’m looking for a large and active guild (any server, either faction. Can transfer my main). My main interests are social, will level some alts, but I also enjoy doing keys. wouldnt mind getting back into raiding, but still getting back into the swing of the game.
If anyone is in a guild that fits the bill, let me know who and what server. Can make a new toon and hang out a bit at least before transferring. But to me a big, active and lively guild makes the game so much more enjoyable.