Looking for an AOTC guild that may push into Mythic.
I am looking for a guild to raid with and get AOTC and maybe push some mythic raiding. I have AOTC and mythic raid experience going all the way back to MOP. Between work and real life I don’t have the time anymore to raid late so I want to look for a guild that raids a couple nights a week from anywhere between 7pm-10:30pm est.
I am a pretty active player, enjoy pushing m+ Keys and I keep up with my weekly duties.
I would like to play my warlock in 9.1 but I am open to other options.
Classes I have now:
Destro/demo lock: only 200 Ilvl right now name: wèlp
Boomy/resto Druid: 219 ilvl
Name: mílt
MM hunter 223 ilvl
Name: Mîlt
I would be happy to answer any questions, show logs, achieves, etc.
Are you 100% set on those times? Or is there a little room for change there?
The latest I could probably go would be 11pm
kk we raid from 8:30-11:30pm EST so that would not work for you.
Yeah unfortunately that might be a little too late. Thanks for reaching out though.
Guild: Casually Heroic
Faction: Horde
Raid Days/Times: Tues/Wed 8-11 EST
Requirement Needs:
We are in need of Dps & Heals!!
Be able to have fun, relax and enjoy the game. 
Casuals also welcome, so if you’re looking for a place to call home waiting on Shadowlands, of you want a place that has people online so you can talk, send us a message and well be happy to invite you.
About us: Casually Heroic has evolved over the years. We went from a mythic pushing group to where we are today. We are made up of a core group that has raided together since WotLK. We took a little break in BFA and now we are back with a new name and new approach.
The name pretty much sums up our approach. AOTC and mythic keys will be our main goals, we will do mythic when heroic is cleared. Just not a full on mythic grind. Most of us are a little older, and we have families and careers. We prefer to chill out, drink a couple beers and have a good time with good friends. That being said, we do expect that people wanting to raid be familiar with their class, and performing well enough to clear content. We can help you gear, and we can even offer some general gameplay tips, but ultimately your performance is your responsibility.
If you are looking for a place to rest your controller, or looking to hang out with some decent people we might be for you. If you just need a stepping stone on your way to the big leagues, we can help with that. Whatever it is that you are looking for, come talk to us, and let us see if we can help.
Are you open to Fri/ Sat? We raid 7-10 and would be happy to have you.
Thank you both for reaching out. I may have a friend who wants to raid as well he is a 224 disc priest who has cutting edge, mythic raiding, and AOTC experience going back to cata. His times are a little different he would only be able to go to 10pm. We could probably raid fridays and Saturday’s are you guys looking for a healer as well?
We could definitely use a Disc priest! Do you want to chat on discord or Bnet?
- CrysTalis#1961 - BNET
- CrysTalis#3723 - Discord
Hey man, are you still looking?
If you are we are actively looking for DPS and a healer. Reading over your post it seems like what you are looking for aligns well with our guild.
Our recruitment post can be found here if you’d like to take a look: [H] <Grey Matter> Heroic/Mythic SoD - Tue/Wed - 7/10H
If you have any questions feel free to add me on Discord: Bunny#5337
Hey Welp, I think we’d be a great fit for you!
The New Principle was founded by a group of close-knit friends right before Shadowlands dropped, and we set out to achieve 10/10H every tier and have fun while doing it. After we accomplish AOTC, we’ll move onto some casual mythic progress and try to push ourselves as far as we can. Additionally, we have a lot of people in the guild who love pushing M+ and have multiple members who regularly do 18’s 19’s and 20’s. If you’re looking for a more laid-back team to raid with, then we might be the right fit for you! While we are more focused on having fun, all of our members are still expected to handle raid mechanics, come to raid prepared and on time, and play their class to the best of their ability so that we can progress quickly.
We’re in high need of:
Warrior (Tank or DPS)
Demon Hunter (Tank or DPS)
We will also take any exceptional DPS, although sadly we are full on healers for the time.
Our raid times are Monday/Wednesday 7:00-10:00 PM.
Contact Doverless#1588 or Maseve#1556 on Btag or join our discord (https://discord.gg/KRMK6Jjq) with any questions or if you’d like to join!
Hello Welp!
Local Defense Channel is looking for a few members to round out our raid team for 9.1. We are a fairly casual guild that will clear through AOTC and plan to move into some early mythic bosses. We are looking to add people who enjoy playing the game and want to join an active guild with friendly faces.
We raid Wednesday and Monday from 6:30pm EST to 9:30pm EST.
We are seeking a non shaman healer and ranged DPS players (Mage, hunter, warlock prefer)
Please reach out to me on discord at Pocketginger#9084 to discuss further or with any questions. I look forward to speaking with you and crushing bosses in 9.1 together!