LF AOTC and M+ guild


I’m looking for a guild with the following aspects.

Guild that gets AOTC every tier. Also looking into trying to push mythic bosses.
Kind of a see how far we can get.
I’m not interested in guilds that force people to be a certain class or things like that.
I like it when people play what they like and see how far we can get with whatever comp we got.

Also looking for a guild that does M+ and make sure we get KSM/KSH every season.
Dedicated days for M+ would be nice to have because I hate pugging.
Also would like to push higher keys to see how far we can get.
Again, see how far we can push with whatever comp we got.

I’m currently a ret paladin for this season (Dragonflight season 4).
I do try to stay update to date on my class and gear as best as I can.
I’m willing to server transfer if necessary. Not that I think matters too much nowadays or in TWW.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Hey Light,

Sounds like we may be a good fit. We’re AOTC focused but will dabble with mythic as long as the team is having fun doing so. We have a dedicated m+ night on Mondays to help max out our vaults.
We currently raid tu/th from 9-11p est(server).

My discord is boundless828

I dropped the link to our guild forum post if you would like a little more info.

Hey Lightblast!
Maverick here from Nostalgic Ruin, I’m an Officer and Raid Lead, I would love to talk with you about your future in wow as far as raiding and m+ goes. I have a few slots open for our 2nd heroic progression team on Wed/thur 8-11pm EST. If were not raiding, were in m+ pushing keys and filling vaults. If you’re interested, feel free to add me on bnet or discord, both IDs will be listed below. Take care and goodluck in your search!

Bnet- Maverick#15230
Discord- maverick0500

Hey Lightblast,

Our Guild has been about since 2017, with AOTC every single tier since then (with mythic raiding as well, though we don’t pursue that anymore). Our guild has several members who enjoy pushing keys and ensuring our mates get the achieves (KSM / KSH).

Check out our post below, we can chat more if you’re interested.
(Official raid night is Tuesday 7:30pm - 9:30pm EST, and we’ll schedule a second night some weeks based on prog to get it done - usually on a Thursday/Friday).

Guild Forums Post: