LF Alliance to re-roll as Horde

This is an absolutely amazing initiative and Flywheel (along with her team) has been doing a fantastic job of spearheading this campaign.

If you've ever been "horde-curious" there has never been a better time to join in!
I did not 'reroll', but I did recently xfer over this morning after work. :)
My primary issue is that I don't have any time to dedicate to a Horde guild, with the majority of my time committed to my Alliance guild and community projects, and every time I've bipped over to MG Horde Guild-only shenanigans seems to be primarily what's going on. Nothing in particular wrong with that, but it's pretty time-consuming to be in an active guild with events and even Allies-side, I am extremely hesitant to join a guild before I've interacted with their members casually.

By all means let us know if events pop up that are open to the general public, though.
Yep, joining the discord is a great way to meet some members of the Horde community without committing to anything! Just let us know your intentions and hesitations, and we're happy to work with you. There is even a channel for public events!

Tonight is the Horde Guild Expo, starting at 9pm in Orgrimmar. You could come along and window shop. No one is going to force you to join anything. Just come, hang out, and be part of the friendly chaos that is MG Horde!
Fresh new Mag'har here. I've brought a jolly undeader hunter with me too and we're both looking for a new guild..

We're doing our part for Moon Guard's horde! Help us out!
10/21/2018 03:29 AMPosted by Tulrohk
Fresh new Mag'har here. I've brought a jolly undeader hunter with me too and we're both looking for a new guild..

We're doing our part for Moon Guard's horde! Help us out!

If you haven't definitely jump into the discord and say hello. It's full of friendly folks who will help get you introduced to everyone and find a community that will fit. And don't forget to wave if you see us in game!
Hmm, so I'm looking at the sticky thread on the Horde guild listings and it hasn't been updated since July 9th. I think I'm going to have to do something about that. I need to go around collecting information about what guilds are out there currently, and put them all into a directory for people to browse. That would make things easier for new folks, right?

I've done that for the new guilds, but there are a lot of older guilds that are also recruiting.
Flywheel, would you tell me a bit about the guild you're in? I have a human rogue here on MG that I've been planning on faction changing. His name is Kyterian, and I was planning on a transfer to WA with the faction change. That said, it seems like there are enough people serious about bringing the horde up in MG, plus staying here would only cost me the faction change which would remove 1 ally from MG and add 1 Horde. Kyterian would be going Goblin of course. May bring this guy too. Can't wait to hear back from you.
Hello Nytis,

Moon Guard is where it's at! Flashbang Exports is the guild that I lead, and we only accept goblins! Basically, we're all about having fun, and getting back to old school teamwork stuff. RP wise, we're a merchant company that sells explosives, fireworks, and alchemical brews that go BOOM (or just change you into something else so it seems like a magic trick). Making profits are top priority! You can sum up our style with one word: chaos.

That said, most people have never had a chance to RP a goblin so they don't know what they're in for.


We'll teach you about the lore, if you haven't paid much attention in class. We'll also invite you to our parties. Be prepared to get silly!

That said, we're also doing some mythics and hopefully some raiding in the near future. We're getting pretty big, and we just need to gear a few more people up! We also have some battleground PvP enthusiasts.

Think you can handle it?
Is there a community set up as well, either battle net or faction specific?
We have our Gobcast community, but it's nowhere near as active as our discord.
! As the discords just connected, the Convocation of Quel'Thalas is also open to anyone to help bulid diplomacy and network to start their own groups. It is set with the Elves however we have everyone and everything joining us!

Such a wonderful idea!
Um, I'm sorry I'm not aware of any connection between between our two discords. Perhaps you could explain a bit more about the Convocation of Quel'Thelas and how you reached this conclusion?

Of course we are happy to refer suitable players to your community if that is what you are suggesting.

But is it specific to MG Horde, or no?
10/23/2018 07:27 PMPosted by Flywheel
Um, I'm sorry I'm not aware of any connection between between our two discords. Perhaps you could explain a bit more about the Convocation of Quel'Thelas and how you reached this conclusion?

Of course we are happy to refer suitable players to your community if that is what you are suggesting.

But is it specific to MG Horde, or no?

Yeah! Tyrinade came into Convocation of Quel'Thalas early yesterday morning and we had a talk and linked each discord in others ...discord.

Convocation of Quel'Thalas is an MG specific group. It is a network hub for all Sin’dorei role players and foreign delegates to establish connections. It serves as a place to help build your personal role play and have a structure base to start your own group that you may have already been working on. It is a place for role players to come and enjoy themselves, build their stories, connections, and see what more is going on around.

We also accept Ren'dorei and Quel'dorei RPers. The Convocation will also have monthly to bi-monthly meetings to keep all those involved working together and help bring more to the RP scene.

Okay, cool! Great to have you on board. More activity to help bring MG Horde back to life! :D
Another great Flywheel project!
I rolled this guy over here some time ago for.. reasons I can no longer remember, but I've been looking for an excuse to finally get some RP with him. Count +1 more character to the server :)
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Flywheel, the work and effort you've done for Moon Guard as a server has been absolutely great.

Keep it up!
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Hooray! Welcome to the Horde.
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