LF Alliance to re-roll as Horde

Honestly, I’ve seen a few low level characters wandering about Orgrimmar and still getting roleplay.

For the most part, I think people are just concerned that low-leveled toons are just going to be discarded or aren’t fully thought out yet… but as long as you show people you’re dedicated to the character and you make it a point to be present, I don’t think you’ll have too much of an issue.

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If I were to take an educated guess, I would say that the add-on is more often to prevent unpleasant whispers from spammers and horny off-realm people who are too cowardly to bring their mains to MG. The genuine RPers are just caught up in the net.

I would also reason that the use of the addon is more frequent on high population realms, and on realms with large faction imbalances in order to maximize the number of scams you can send out to a population from a single character. Moon Guard is one of those servers, and Alliance is one of those factions.

I would bet a small, but not insubstantial, amount of money on MG-H not only having a lower raw number of people using such blocking add-ons, but also a lower per capita usage of the add-on.

Not to make anyone feel bad for feeling offended by the dating sim comment because hey, feelings are feelings and they’re valid, but it really wasn’t the big bad thing some of y’all (not all) are making it out to be. And I take opinions of people on their Classic characters with a grain of salt. Because either that’s their main currently, or they’re too afraid to post on their retail main so they use their Classic alt so you don’t know their main.

That being said: I’m still glad this is a thing. If there were nightborne druids, I’d have hard swapped ages ago but I am only just now creating a nightborne druid so who knows if I will have her in-game.


Doki Doki Literature club says hello :smiley:

I think it’s better if people post on their mains and accept the repercussions for what they’ve said. Fair enough if you’re trying to write a story or testing out a new realm. That’s a good reason. Bumping a recruitment thread with your alt is also necessary sometimes with the new forum changes. But posting on some random character so that you can say what you like without consequence? Meh.

If Yokumba were here, he’d put that on a stick and fry it!

<3 Gaeia


OMG!! Finkle is Einhorn. Einhorn is Finkle!! I know that nightborne!

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I was content to not really say anymore here, but I’ve been waiting for someone to say this, honestly…

Please spare me the internet bravery argument. There are tons of people here posting on alts to say how awesome and amazing their time on Horde is, on alts that have barely gone past level 20 for over a year, no less. It has nothing to do with the character being used, it’s all about the opinion being presented. Just because you don’t like mine, I’m not opening myself up for being ganged up on or harassed.

And while you may not care about an opinion you clearly disagree with, others clearly do enough to respond to, or at least, partially agree with while still disagreeing with other things I said. I never expected anyone to be in my corner, least of all in this thread, and I’ve made peace with that fact.

Still no consistency.

For someone who keeps bragging about how ‘brave’ they are for speaking up, you seem to be a big into me paying the “consequences” for that opinion I shared that you first thanked me for.

I mean, if I wielded the same clout as you, to the point where I could say the things you said about the Alliance but instead for the Horde, and people kept fawning over me and jumped to my defense… I mean, damn, I’d post on my main too.

But I don’t. I’m a nameless, faceless lurker that’s been on MG since it’s inception. Since the days of people like Golavar Hellcaller and Athanilia, Everlong and Mongraa. I just login to do my world quests, playing a game I still feel attached but feel further distance from with every passing expansion. If you honestly think I need to pay some consequence for calling you out on what you said, that speaks far more about you than it does me.

You are not the underdog here. Most people support you, and while I personally don’t care about MG Horde and on a personal level oppose crusade to upend the status quo of our server, I’m not trying to silence you, and my contribution to this boils down to personally boycotting Horde and discouraging my 5 battlenet friends from switching.

Good luck trying to gain the support of people you simultaneously insult. I doubt it’ll be the last time.

If most people support Flywheel, why should she be concerned with people she supposedly insults? Those people are clearly a minority, and you can’t win them all.

Because new people come and go. Many who play don’t even use the forums.

Most people here are clearly on her side. But new ones will also come who are still unaware or don’t feel strongly either way.

Right you are, though. Definitely can’t win them all.

Okay, all that aside, what’s the point of you posting here? Like… do you play on Moon Guard Alliance? How does this affect you and why do you care so much?


We’ll never know thanks to the cogshanks extension that broke years ago.

That being said, I do admire his faction pride.


All that time and only 5?
alexa play despasito

I will say I didn’t feel insulted. I didn’t even see it as bashing the Alliance, but it looked, in context, an overarching theme to the server as a whole. SO I have to ask… is she wrong doe? Don’t forget there was a cute thread not too long ago even asking if people date here.

I just said I do, why would I even care if I didn’t? Do off-server people even come here to argue? The latter is a serious question.

If you may have noticed (this isn’t meant to be sarcastic or flippant), but Alliance as a whole are doing terribly in terms of population numbers across both Europe and North American servers. Warmode contribution is at an all time low, the raiding and mythic scene is all but dead. From any kind of end-game content to PvP, if you want to do it with any degree of ease, roll Horde, it’s become the modus operandi at this point.

One of the only places this isn’t the case is Moon Guard, but step outside of it and you’ll see just how abysmal things are as an Alliance player, and it shows whenever I queue for anything or get subjected to crz. For whatever reason, large numbers of Horde decided to abandon the server in an exodus to Wyrmrest at some point, and the remaining Horde are, yes, quite outnumbered. They want to change it so that it’s more an even Horde-Alliance split. I personally don’t want this on a purely personal level, but I was content to not say anything despite seeing this thread bumped since it was first posted. My personal reason for this may seem silly or selfish to you or others, but Horde has places they can fall back to, we don’t. We lose Moon Guard as well and we might as well resign ourselves to being the minority of this game for years to come.

What bugs me, is one particular method that was used in this recruitment thread, it actively disparages Alliance roleplay with comments like “dating simulator” or “human-like characters”, or making comparisons of basic vs exotic.

I expressed my dislike for the initiative, but more so, I was annoyed at that statement. Ever since, it’s just been a medley of people telling me that they have a right to ask for a balanced server (which I never disputed), how I should post on my main to face consequences, etc etc.

A lot of people I know quit for good.

RP servers are like the anomaly of WoW though. You can’t fairly count PvP and PvE and game mechanics to the state of RP. And yes, you said you have MG characters. My question is if you actually play, because if you do, then you’ve proven my point about you hiding on your Classic character. And trying to distract or shift the blame on people posting on alts doesn’t do much unless I am posting on an alt.

Which I am not. This is my main.

So do you have any better ideas other than displaying a distaste specifically for this idea and not because of the “insult?” Or do you just want to complain about the state of WoW as a whole and not add to the severe lack of Horde RPers on Moon Guard.

What do you mean I can’t fairly count PvP and PvE? Roleplayers don’t roleplay 24/7, people actually play the game still, you know. Am I supposed to just be content while our entire faction has a faction drought and instead stop to help the poor Horde that’s currently facing a massive influx thanks to Vulpera?

And good for you, posting on your main. I chose not to. The fact that you use that as a fall back, though, is curious. I didn’t know there was a height requirement to post, only a subscription.

I also didn’t come here to bring ‘ideas’ because I’m not here to support this initiative. As for your ‘complaining’ comment, you asked me my reasons, I answered. A discussion goes both ways, and it’s not productive if you throw back someone’s reasons in their face because it doesn’t matter to you. Even I don’t say these people have no right to ask for a faction balance on Moon Guard, I just say I don’t agree.

As for the comment, you may not have found it insulting… good for you, you even seemed to have agreed with the validity of it earlier. However, I did find it insulting, and at least others have expressed some doubt about it. Flywheel apologized, and I was quite ready to abandon the thread entirely till we started pulling out pitchforks to talk about mains and consequences.

If you’re -that- broken up about not being able to add my main to some blacklist from events or harass me with whispers, I guess you’ll just have to click that ignore button and you’ll never hear from this classic character ever again. :man_shrugging:

A shame the last thought on your mind is maybe I just want to put you on ignore and be done with you entirely, so maybe you have some skeletons in your closet.

I just don’t find it believable a random Classic character would have this much passionate dislike and energy to post in a MG thread unless it personally affected them. And wonder why not post on that character? But my question is answered. I know why.

Because this entire initiative has absolutely nothing to do with PvE and PvP, and no one told you to delete or faction change every single Alliance character. Who knew you could PvE and PvP on a RP server on one faction and RP on the other? Astounding.

That is the actual quote. You added the “simulator” part. I didn’t read too much into what was said as I surmised that the comment was about the GS tourists. Doesn’t matter really as you lurked and lurked then decided to go off because you have an overdeveloped sense of identity with the “good team” in blue.

I’m sorry you’ve lost friends along the way that no longer play the game. Horde has lost players too. You can’t empathize with that? A team building thread is a personal insult to you? No one has said they want to turn the server red and kill the Alliance - lol like that would even be possible. Other servers are not the issue here. This is the Moon Guard forum and this is a Moon Guard issue. This project is about Horde players that don’t want to abandon the server and want to help their community thrive. Why is that such a terrible thing?

Maybe reggaeton isn’t your thing.
How about musical theater? Some Gilbert and Sullivan perhaps?

oh and full disclosure - this is Darvile and I’m a dope that got characters switched on me thanks blizz I am never signing out of the forum again since this happens all the time


If I remember correctly, MG Horde was booming with activity up until WoD when the larger guilds started to take breaks because the game was awful. Couple with only a few coming back for Legion and then just leaving entirely for BFA and decidedly not come back.

Like the game suffers none if MG Horde got its mojo back.

Oh and then we had the blood elves come to WRA Horde and… well we didn’t like what a lot had to offer.

If you feel so passionate about this, then why don’t you create your own thread discussing this? You are entitled to disagree and have your own opinion, so why don’t you create your own thread to open up this discussion to a wider audience?

Besides, we get that you’re boycotting Horde and thats totally your choife and everything… but repeatedly posting on this thread to derail it’s intention is actually against the T.O.S of the forums.

Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters


I honestly think your strongest argument here is “Alliance get stomped by things outside my control, so now I want to do the stomping”. I think many players on Moon Guard who play exclusively Horde empathize with you on that as they too cannot play in Warmode under normal circumstances, and I’m sure many people on MG-H also miss the RP-PvP that was possible when it wasn’t a blowout every single time (just like you’re partially blaming Blizzard for the decline of fun, so too am I).

I think you’re entitled to your response against perceived disparagement in the way Alliance RP was described, just in the same way the small Horde population were entitled to its responses when there was a “MG-Horde is dead” thread every week for about a half-decade (a lot of those threads disappeared once this thread took off). Perhaps you should respond in the same way we did: gather some like-minded people and make your minority position known. It will take you way further than getting aggravated about an offhand comment in a 2 year old thread.

I will say that it’s way more fun to play Horde when Alliance is trying to kill it, rather than playing Horde when Alliance is already proclaiming it dead.