LF Alliance to re-roll as Horde

Ah. Much better.


Thanks Copperwell. I’m really glad you’re enjoying your time on Horde side. It’s people like you that can help us make a difference and keep things lively.


I am said girlfriend Copperwell mentioned in her post. :sweat_smile:

Everything she said, I back up 100%. I have been playing Alliance since I started playing back in 2009 and I already get more walk-up RP and a generally better OOC atmosphere in the past couple weeks I’ve been here than the years I’ve been on Alliance side!

I’m slowly working on moving most of my WoW activity to Horde side on Moon Guard. It’s tricky with the cost of faction changes and whatnot, so it’s a slow process of that mixed with manually leveling new characters to replace my old Alliance ones, but I’m working on it! :3

Cannot recommend rolling Horde more!


I’ve been agonizing over what I want to faction change or level. I’m so indecisive with things. :frowning:

Okay I do have a couple horde here on mg but I’m holding out until I have the funds to race change them to nightborne (once I have them unlocked). I know that my husband has a few characters in horde side on Wyrmsrest but I’m not sure if he has the spare room for another character for moon guard at this point. I had every intention of forming a nightborne guild but with ancestors on the roll I’m not sure how much time I’ll be able to spare to foster roleply on both factions atm.

We’re not bound b 10 or even 12 characters per realm anymore. You can now have up to all 50 characters on your account all on the one realm!

So that means you can have toons both on Alliance side and Horde side of Moon Guard, and not risk running out of room!

I think having well developed factions on both sides will be good for the Moon Guard community. No need to chop and change. Get to know everyone right here, and maybe even build up some friendly rivalries and conflicts.

Personally, I miss the days of knowing the majority of people of your server (before cross-realm LFG etc). But I think Moon Guard is doing a great job of maintaining a sense of community, despite all the changes to the game.

Let’s keep working at it.


seriously? There’s no character limit on realm anymore? That blew my mind. I must’ve missed that change during my absence.

That is one thing I liked when I was sitting in Org
I was recognizing names. Thanks for the words of encouragement.


That’s awesome news! Now to finish unlocking allied races so I can roll a bunch of new characters I’ve had tumbling bout in my head.

I am planning to move my horde characters to alliance. Why? One thing-- extremely rampant RP race isolation on horde.
There are a few guilds that I was exceptionally interested in. The theme fit wonderfully, the plot really piqued my interest. The problem?
Blood elf only. Goblin only. Orc only. Tauren only. Undead only. Etc.

This is so exclusive an isolating of the community. Goblins aren’t the only engineers. Undead aren’t the only evil characters. Tauren aren’t the only peaceful characters, etc.

But to get RP on Horde is
 impossible. Unless you’re willing to conform to strict racial standards for whatever group has the plots/themes you’re looking for in a character. It’s not open, it’s not welcoming, it’s just clique-forming. Single-race guilds killed Hordeside Moon Guard RP for me since TBC, and have only gotten much, much worse. I’m finally making the move away from it now.

The Horde narrative has always been dominated by cultural pride, whether that is about embracing it or overcoming it. Unlike the Alliance - that has very old allegiances and overlaps in cultural identity - the Horde we know today is still trying to find it’s place amongst each other and on Azeroth; the races that make it up the Horde have very strong cultural affinities, which can be helpful or harmful when it comes to RP.

However, I feel like some of these stereotypes exist and are prevalent in lore because that’s what each respective culture is centred around. You can break the mold however you wish, and really I can’t see anybody having a problem with that, but sometimes you might just need to explain why.

I literally play a relatively ungreedy Goblin that genuinely wants to help people and my partner plays a Goblin Paladin. Neither of us have received any problems for breaking that stereotype, and if anything it seems to be encouraged.

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I am doing my best to encourage other guilds out of the woodwork, to be more vocal and advertise themselves more. As I said previously, there are only a couple of racially exclusive guilds on Horde side - Flashbang Exports and Undercity Nexus. I admit, as the spearhead, my guild is very vocal and active - we have to be. But we are by no means the only guild on MG Horde. The rest of the guilds are much more diverse, and I’m sorry that you weren’t able to connect with any of them. If you look at guild finder, there are many, many others.

Many guilds are racially-themed, however. Yes, it’s a big thing on Horde side, and one of the main things that makes Horde RP different from Alliance. A lot of people come here asking for a specific type of racial RP. We’re not just comprised of human-like characters. It’s not a just a virtual dating community. It’s about story, conflict, and war. Having racial culture helps us to understand who we are. It’s like going to Asia and complaining that you can’t buy hamburgers and chips. Expect something different!

It’s not at all impossible to fit in. But it does require effort. If you’re not happy with the selection of guilds, then dare I say it - make your own?

I have been thinking about taking a more direct, personal approach to helping smaller guilds on MG Horde get established and make themselves known. If this is something you would be interested in, and you would like some help, please message me on discord (Flywheel#4087).


I’m not the only one thinking there should be a Boss Flywheel in the Horde Council.
For real.

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Thanks Darville, you’re a sweetheart.

And this is why I have no sympathy for these not-so-subtle attempts at trying to poach players from Alliance, as if this game isn’t Horde dominated enough at this point.

Comments like this that ignore the tons of racial themed guilds on Alliance, simplifying it all as “human-like characters” (as if the blood elf dominated Horde with its minority of monster races based off IRL human caricatures is so different) and worse yet, calling Alliance side “just a virtual dating simulator” shows what some of you Horde diehards really think under the guise of a healthier server community and friendliness. The whole thing reeks of the same toxic Horde superiority complex I’ve encountered whenever we’re not separated by a Common - Orcish language barrier, and leveling alts on Horde once again reminded me of that fact.

I know I’ll be crucified, since God forbid I say something that doesn’t worship Flywheel or say how amazing the Horde is, but someone has to say it. Simultaneously backhanding Alliance while begging us to switch? No.

We don’t owe you a player base.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Thank you for sharing.


I don’t think you’re using the word “poach” correctly. Poaching, at least in WoW, consists of convincing one person to leave a group to the detriment of the group in order to benefit a wholly separate group. It is taking a character from a guild and placing them in a different guild, and the detriment emerges from the fact that the character cannot contribute to both guilds at once. Rolling a Horde character on a realm with 50 available character slots does not deprive the Alliance of anything. It just adds to the Horde.

The game at this point is likely Horde dominated due to a medley of factors, but I’m sure that you’re not trying to blame Moon Guard Horde for giving Horde slightly better racials for raiding. While I always approve of friendly factions competition, it seems like you’re trying to make generalizations about the Horde while simultaneously saying that the generalizations about the Alliance are unfair.

[quote=“Athranar-bloodsail-buccaneers, post:322, topic:13790”]
worse yet, calling Alliance side “just a virtual dating simulator” shows what some of you Horde diehards really think under the guise of a healthier server community and friendliness. [/quote]

If you do not agree with the light in which the Alliance is described here, I would agree with you. While I do not know Flywheel’s intentions, I read this as the Alliance being a faction which largely got along very well with each of its respective races. The same intra-factional conflicts quite simply do not exist to the same degree they exist among the races and ideologies of the Horde, which can be interesting to different people.

If you think this is some reference to Goldshire or the greater number of ERP specific guilds on Alliance, get over it, we all live here on the server together. Also check out my onlyfans page.

Are you leveling alts by RPing? Do you interact with MG-H RPers? Or are you mostly just basing this off random dungeon runs?

Literally no one was saying you did.


That was a fantastic rebuttal. Really well done. Your interpretations of my intent were spot on the mark, only worded much more tactfully. Thank you for sticking up for MG Horde.

I don’t really want to write anything else because I’ll just end up sticking my foot in my mouth later, haha.


Not that it was necessary but this is the tl;dr truth.

hurr hurr $15/mo for this content is my limit.


A balanced server helps us all.


This is just being disingenuous. If that were the case, Moon Guard Horde would not be smaller, since I’m sure most people have at least a Horde character and there are tons of incentives in the form of achievements, cosmetics and mounts to play both sides. The intent of this thread is quite overtly in the title, to find Alliance to re-roll as Horde and to better yet, start their own guilds. Having less people on Alliance is a detriment to us, and Moon Guard is one of the few places where we aren’t outnumbered already. This game has become World of Hordecraft outside of the exception of the Moon Guard bubble.

You’ll have to forgive some of us if we don’t think it’s “cool” for entire guilds to transfer and more of our community going Horde so that we can share the fate of the rest of NA Alliance.

No, I don’t blame Moon Guard Horde for skewing the balance, but it is what it is thanks to years of Blizzard’s actions and commonly repeated tropes such as “Alliance are just different variations of humans.” Also, you can also say I’m making generalizations about Horde, yet why is this not a problem when Flywheel makes generalizations about Alliance? On the contrary, that post gets two thumbs ups within 24 hours and a band of you to defend her when I call it out. It seems like making generalizations about the Alliance is fine, yet the moment the shoe is on the other foot, all hell breaks loose.

A saying about glass houses and rocks is apt in this situation.

Spoken like someone that clearly doesn’t play Alliance.

Stormwind is a bustling place full of people that have absolutely no intention of getting along. From Scarlets to edgy nobles and criminals, there is very little Alliance unity in roleplay, it only exists in the game story and nothing more. To think it’s a giant circle of friendship here is far from reality. If anything, Horde appear far more into holding hands and getting along with your United Horde. I hardly see the medley of “neutral” guilds on Horde, for some reason, those are only reserved for Alliance, or people playing Horde “ambassadors” five feet away from wounded and dying night elves and Gilneans in the Cathedral.

I didn’t think this was a reference to Goldshire, but rather, Stormwind and Alliance RP itself. However, if we’re being callous, maybe you lot can ‘get over’ being the minority, or better yet, when people are told when Wyrmrest is objectively better for Horde RP?

I’ve done the latter two extensively, and seen the comments made by Moon Guard Horde characters on the general forums as well as Horde mains in MG playing Alliance. Leveling by RPing is not a thing, so not sure what the point of asking that was besides thinly veiled mockery or just dismissing my experience, which has often been the case whenever someone comes in here with an opinion that doesn’t just translate into how amazing and cozy Horde side is.

Nobody has to “literally” say anything, insinuation is a thing, and a thread that keeps getting bumped since 20 freaking 18, discord communities and in-game monetary incentives and starting kits speaks the extent of this initiative to chip away at us. Time and again, posters here keep pushing this notion that our entire server benefits.

I simply don’t agree, the only one that benefits from splitting MG-A to re-roll as MG-H benefits MG-H. People here will literally remark about how cool it would be if entire Alliance guilds switch and people re-roll, yet sit there, bold-faced, and tell you it takes nothing away from Alliance, as if horses and crappy AR’s haven’t been screwing us enough as is.

