Just swapping over to Alliance to try and get some rp and find an active rp guild. My wife and I are having issues finding a guild. We’re interested in mostly rp, though pve/pvp content is a plus. We’re leveling currently, but hopefully that isn’t an issue.
My wife and I have at least 8+ years under our belts for rp. Interested in anything really, so long as we can progress characters and make some cool friends.
Hey there! Welcome to the Alliance
Valorborne is a small RP guild that does military-themed RP, but we also have social events and casual hangouts with events the encompass multiple approaches. We’re about to head into our next guild arc soon, which is exciting. We’re laid back and like to do some content. If there is a weekly up, we’ll try to do it together, and we’ll run M+ and PvP. Myself, Alverdo, and Alor are the officer core of the guild. Feel free to contact one of us if you’re interested.
If you’ve got some time to spare, the Stormwind Job Fair has guilds to peruse, but the next one is March 21st at 8pm.
Welcome to the Alliance! Kings honor friend!
I would love to direct you to my lovely guild! <Kul Tiras Tenth Fleet> Old forum thread. Plz don't post in
Please check us out and if your interested drop us a line!
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If you’re looking for a darker toned mercenary guild, The Phantom Legion may be a good fit for you guys. We’ve been around for 18 years and have thousands of events under our belt. Being such an old guild we’re all adults and have several married couples in our ranks so it may be a good fit if you’re looking for a more mature setting.
We average 1-3 RP events a week, have an active pathfinder campaign, active discord, and many talented storytellers, and mini-games from land to sea combat and other fun things to do.
What server is this guild on?
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My Void elf, Jadana, would love to join you guys! Just moved to Moon Guard myself and loving the realm so far. 
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Hey there! Just message or send in-game mail to one of the officers and we can get things worked out from there.
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