Hey everyone,
As it says, I am mostly active during the day-time hours. Although im not opposed to playing a bit in the evenings, I usually play between 11am EST- 7pm EST. It would really nice to find a guild with active members at this time to do content with.
I’m just getting back into WoW and really looking to have fun and help out. Just need to find the right home.
Let me know!
Hey Talviran! My name is Gundel and I am part of a small guild called Benched who are looking to recruit anyone and everyone who want to explore content with friends. We are slowly gathering an active roster count and we have plenty of 120’s who are looking to have fun! (I’m getting closer
) I will attach a link to our GM’s recruitment post so you can see what Benched is in more depth Retired Post As I said before, we are small but the people that have joined have been nothing but friendly and helpful
If you have questions or just want to talk some more, you can contact me on discord at the_KHAN_14#5341 or bnet at theKHAN14#1915. Have a nice day!
Yo Talviran. We Need you. We are a new forming guild to fight against the enemies of Azeroth. Names, Ghost Runners. Its fresh and has good vibes. the goal is to do mythic content in BFA and Prepare for SHADOWLANDS. We need Healers/DPS/Tanks/Captains/Chill people. if interested add me Bnet- Godentrix#1679
Hey there Talviran, if Alliance is an option for you we have a newer guild on Proudmoore that has people active throughout the day. The evening is the most active but we have a few East Coasters on in the early to late afternoon. We have a solid group of people and always looking to add some friendly people. If you like you could roll a new toon and see if the guild suits your needs. If you have any questions or would like to discuss further you can reach me on discord @ Khell#4727 or BNET @ Sinnicks#1267. Best of luck finding a guild