Retired Post

Carry on… this post is retired.

Currently not many people in guild. We are looking for someone with high drive that would be willing to help this guild grow by helping with recruitment and talking to potential new recruits. We do not and will not ever use an auto-invite mod.

Do y’all plan on raiding at all in BFA?

Also, do you have a contact outside of in game?

I’m honestly going to consider faction changing to join.

Im looking to start a new character in retail since classic is getting a bit old, is there a level req?

We would like to raid BFA if we get to that point before the xpac releases, but it is not top priority. We are more concerned with building the guild into a great group of people to move into Shadowlands with.

I can be contacted through discord - SysterSynn#2227

or battletag SysterSynn#1935

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There is no level requirement to join. Re-rolls are very welcome to join!

We would love to have you. We are excited to build a guild with great people who realize that RL has to take precedence but we can still accomplish thing w/o placing high demands on our members.

This is honestly the type of guild I have been looking for since I’m having a dry spell in gaming and want to experience more of retail. I was wondering if you have any class preferences? Like is there a class or classes you would like to be in the guild? The only reason I’m asking is because I am still very new to retail and haven’t found my comfort zone in terms of classes

Hi Karly, we want you to play what you enjoy and feel most comfortable with. We don’t mind at all if you want to play several alts to figure out what you love. A player who enjoys the class they are bringing into groups will add more to the group dynamic than someone who is playing a character they loathe just because it is a “needed role” - Also people who enjoy what they play are just more fun to be around :wink:

How can I join the discord?

Are you guys beginner to intermediate player friendly? I have played off and on for some years and have experience, but am still learning.

Yes! We don’t mind answering questions and helping out when we can.

Feel free to add me as friend on discord and send a message. I would be happy to invite you to our server so we can chat more. Realize we are a start up guild so discord is mostly empty at this time.

Currently looking for an active player or two who would like to be our recruitment officers. We have had a great deal of interest but due to RL limitations the core officer team may not be online to talk with those interested.

If interested in joining as a member or becoming our recruitment officer please be sure to add me to battletag and send a message. If I am awake my account in online. I may not be able to answer right away but rest assured. I WILL answer

Currently looking for a guild recruitment officer to help with the recruiting. I can not be online as much during the week and we are missing many leads. If you would like to be considered, I only ask that you stay in guild and give it a concerted effort and a fair chance. Recruiting is never easy in a longtime well established game. It takes patience and perseverance to grow something great. As in life, all good things take time to achieve.

Bumping so that this will show in Latest, but we are still looking to recruit any and all players who want to enjoy content with a group of friends when life isn’t putting them on the bench. As a guildie, I have enjoyed the social aspect of this guild (even though I sometimes forget to read chat :shushing_face:) and meeting/greeting the new players that join the guild. It is an interesting experience seeing a guild grow and I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in so that others will see this and hopefully want to experience it as well. Hope to see some new faces soon!

Definitely seems like something I would be interested in since I am occasionally benched because of family and other real life things :grinning:. I will roll a toon this evening and be in contact.

Awesome! I will probably be on tonight as well so I will see you there!

I just sent a friend request from Ritza

Good luck out there guys!