LF a pvp guild

Looking to go horde to a pvp guild. :smiley:

Welcome to the Wyrmrest Accord realm forum! Are you also looking to transfer servers and/or make a new character?

I’d be transferring this toon and faction changing

PvP is the Devil.


You take that back! PvE is the devil. Used to raid 40 hours a week in Everquest


In that case, while there are at least a couple of RP-PvP guilds, I’m not sure if we currently have a non-RP guild dedicated to PvP on WrA. If you’re looking for an RP experience, you could look to see if Battleforged, Shattered Axe Coalition, or (if you’re rolling a Blood Elf) Sunfury Battalion would be of interest to you. If you’re not looking for RP, you could try joining the Horde Guild Faire Discord (there’s a link in this thread) to see if anyone there can point you in the right direction. Good luck.


Thank you sir!